582 examples of lookouts in sentences

I'll post lookouts along this lane to watch for fires breakin' out in the big field.

We divided the men into watches, Watkins selecting the more capable for lookouts.

The time did not seem long to me as I paced the deserted deck aft, or went forward occasionally to assure myself that the lookouts on the forecastle were alert.

But by making a business of it one may come upon them in wide, quiet cañons, or on the lookouts of lonely, table-topped mountains, three or four together, in the tops of stubby trees or on rotten cliffs well open to the sky.

Scattered far and wide in every direction were many icebergs, shrouded in gray, invisible to the eyes of the sharpest lookouts, lying in wait for their prey.

There was an hour and a few minutes, I found, to wait for the next train, and that time I occupied as best I might, keeping a sharp lookout across the quadrangle.

The lookouts on all the vessels were ordered to keep a sharp watch for strange ships, and especially for those having a warlike appearance.

Tom Edwards, a young foretopman, had the lee lookout, and as seven bells struck he sang out, 'Lee cat-head;' but the last syllable died away on his lips as his eyes rested upon an objecta white objectstanding bolt upright in the water before him, about a hundred yards distant and broad off on the lee bow.

No, he didn't need no lookout, so I got myself into a game of "bounce the stick," which same, as you prob'ly know, is purely a redskin recreation.

I remained at my post so that I could peer through the lookouts.

Lookouts were posted in the towers and a ceaseless watch was to be kept day and night.

The lookouts in their high towers, which overlook large areas of forest, watch constantly for smoke, and as soon as they locate signs of fire they notify the supervisor of the forest.

Lookouts use special scientific instruments which enable them to locate the position of the fires from the smoke.

Following the curvings of the promontory there was a dotted line of reddish towers, each one accompanied by a smaller pair for lookouts.

In the lookouts were sailors exploring the sea and shouting the orders that guided the steamer's course.

As lookouts they were not yet skilled.

The system of lookouts is perfect.

The Proserpine stood in until the day had advanced far enough to enable her lookouts to detect le Feu-Follet braving her, as it might be, in the western board, at the distance of about a league and a half, under her jib and jigger, as described.

From the moment light returned lookouts had been aloft with glasses, examining every nook and corner of the bay, in order to ascertain whether any signs of the lugger were to be seen under its bold and picturesque shore.

The cases will be clear and not detain us long, and we can send lookouts up on the heights to examine the sea and the coast outside.

The rocks of the Sirens, as the islets are called to this day, are sufficiently elevated above the surface of the sea to be visible at some distance; though, lying in a line with the coast, it would not have been easy for the lookouts of le Feu-Follet to discern them at the hour when she struck, even had they been on the alert.

The lookouts were aloft, as usual, but it was as much for form as for any great use they were likely to be, since it was seldom a man could see further from the cross-trees than he could from the deck.

There she was, sure enough, wing-and-wing, as before, the dulness of the lugger's lookouts has never been explained, as a matter of course; but it was supposed, when all the circumstances came to be known, that most of her people were asleep, to recover from the recent extraordinary fatigue, and a night in which all hands had been, kept on deck in readiness to make sail; the vessel having but some thirty souls in her.

Because churches are often on hill-tops, because they are bound to be used for lookouts, is why they get torn to pieces.

On the morning of the 4th, after having spent the night at anchor in one of the bays on the south side of Joannet Island, they were attacked by the natives under the following circumstances: In the grey of the morning the lookouts reported the approach of three canoes, with about ten men in each.

582 examples of  lookouts  in sentences