Do we say loon or lune

loon 603 occurrences

In the distance a loon called, but when its wild cry died away all was very quiet.

" The loon had flown away and nothing broke the surface of the lake; the shadows had got longer and driven back the light.

The trail followed its edge and when a loon's wild cry rang across the woods Grace stopped.

Grace disliked the loon when its voice first disturbed her sleep at the fishing camp; she hated it afterwards.

The light faded behind the trees, a loon's wild cry rang across the dark water, and the party went to bed.

The owl would whinny or hoot according to his species; the loon send forth his agonizing and weird shriek from some distant lake; a fox might bark sharply and fretfully, or two quarrelsome 'coons dispute over a bit of food they had discoveredall this went with the camping business, and indeed it would have seemed odd to those boys had the usual accompaniment been missing.

Out upon him, the lazy loon!

For sport Jean had played with wounded lynx; his was the quickness of sight, of instinctthe quickness of the great north loon that had often played this same game with his rifle-fire, of the sledge-dog whose ripping fangs carried death so quickly that eyes could not follow.

LOON, Hendrik Willem van.

SEE Van Loon, Hendrik Willem.

(PWH) THE STORY OF THE BIBLE, by Hendrik Willem Van Loon.

© 10Oct23, A760383. R68180, 12Oct50, Helen C. Van Loon (W)

by Hendrik Willem Van Loon.

R68249. VAN LOON, Hendrik Willem.

SEE van Loon, Hendrik Willem.

Around the world with the alphabet and Hendrik Willem van Loon.

Henry B. Van Loon & Gerald W. Van Loon (C); 4Dec62; R306112.

Henry B. Van Loon & Gerald W. Van Loon (C); 4Dec62; R306112.

Gerald Willem van Loon & Henry B. van Loon (C); 22Oct62; R302767. VAN LOON, HENRY B. Air-storming.

SEE van Loon, Hendrik Willem.

Around the world with the alphabet and Hendrik Willem van Loon.

SEE van Loon, Hendrik Willem.


If she were ever to care for some false loon!'

But that boy has come back, and you care for him, and he is a false loon, Grizel.

lune 83 occurrences

Mrs. Behn's farce is derived from Arlequin Empereur dans la Lune, which was played in Paris by Guiseppe-Domenico Biancolelli, a famous Harlequin and the leading member of the Italian theatre there from 1660 to 1688.

Arlequin Empereur dans la Lune had been published in its entirety eleven years previously (1684), but it was sufficiently popular for Gherardi to include various scenes therefrom in his collection.

II there are two further extracts 'obmises dans le premier Tome', a dialogue between the Doctor and Harlequin, 'recit que fait Arlequin au Docteur, du Voyage qu'il a fait dans le Monde de la Lune', and a short passage between Harlequin and Colombine, both of which can be closely paralleled in the English version.

As the author himself states in his preface, Harlequin roi dans la Lune, a three act comedy by Bodard de Tézay, produced at the Variétés Amusantes, 17 December, 1785, has nothing to do with the old Italian scenes.

The Doctor's speeches in Arlequin Empereur dans la Lune (1684), are a mixture of French and Italian.

In the original Arlequin Empereur dans la Lune Scaramouch is Pierrot.

But where is your clair de lune?" "Nothing doing," I answered.

one cannot but pity him, when wretched, friendless, and miserable as he was, we find him, still graceful, in a poor café near the Place Royale, taking his cup of coffee, and when asked for the amount of his bill, answering very vaguely, 'Oui, Madame, à la pleine lune, à la pleine lune.'

one cannot but pity him, when wretched, friendless, and miserable as he was, we find him, still graceful, in a poor café near the Place Royale, taking his cup of coffee, and when asked for the amount of his bill, answering very vaguely, 'Oui, Madame, à la pleine lune, à la pleine lune.'

Rue de la Lune: No. 1. Damaged.

She laughed at him and resumed her practicing, making some notable improvements on her first attempts and adding "Mre Michel" and "Au Claire de la Lune," "Le Roi Dagobert" to her rŽpertoire.

Le coup de lune.

Une petite fille tombee de la lune.

Les grands cimetieres sous la lune.

Les grands cimetieres sous la lune.

R56754, 5Jan50, George W. Ogden (A) CLAIR DE LUNE, by Anthony Pryde [pseud. of Agnes R. Weekes]

Les diamants de la lune.

T.3: Clair de lune et taxi-auto.

Notre amie la lune.

It was originally Italian, and had run 80 nights in Paris as 'Harlequin I'Empereur dans le Monde de la Lune'.

Many of them fell into the enemy's hands; some were killed attempting to pass through the river Lune; some went back, six or seven got to Bolton, and about eighteen got safe to Prince Rupert.

Take another verse "Le clair de lune bleu qui baigne l'horizon.

And it is to my credit that the Spanish love songs moved me not at all; and it was not until I read that magnificently grotesque poem "La Ballade à la Lune," that I could be induced to bend the knee and acknowledge Musset a poet.

La nuit est pleine de silence, Et dans une étrange lueur, Et dans une douce indolence La lune dort comme une fleur.

Tes yeux verts me regardent: j'aime Le clair de lune de tes yeux, Et je ne vois dans le ciel même Que ton corps rare et radieux.

Do we say   loon   or  lune