Do we say loose or lose

loose 6218 occurrences

The booty included two 4-2 Krupp howitzers, three 77-mm. field guns and carriages, nine heavy and three light machine guns, 137 boxes of small-arms ammunition, and 103,000 loose rounds.

That is to say, after three months of trench routine and trench endurance imposed by a winter which seemed to have let loose every possible misery of cold and wet, of storm and darkness, on the fighting hosts in France, the battle of the Somme had moved steadily forward again from the point it had reached in November.

For thirty years, he produced and distributed Project Gutenberg-tm eBooks with only a loose network of volunteer support.

But Little John's hands were folded in his loose sleeves, and Little John's eyes were cast upon the ground, and at his girdle hung a great, long string of beads.

These words the placards of Saint-Arnaud interpreted by decrees, the Praetorians let loose in the street interpreted them by murder.

When once in the plains this state of things changes; where previously one had to avoid loose rocks and boulders, we had now to search for a dry spot on which to alight.

In appearance he is anything but prepossessingsmall of stature and very dark in complexion for a Pathan; with not a tooth in his head, and the skin on his face loose and wrinkled, he presents the appearance of an aged man, though really not more than fifty-five.

The dress of the women is merely a single garment, not unlike a very loose dressing or morning gown, gathered up at the waist.

"You have been asked to form a bad opinion of this deceased woman, but she had brought up her children respectably on her slender means, and there was no evidence that she was a loose woman.

The pocketbook was in none of themand he had used the last cent of loose change for a glass of milk for breakfast.

He slapped his horse more forcibly with the loose reins and settled into, mournful silence.

For thirty years, he produced and distributed Project Gutenberg-tm eBooks with only a loose network of volunteer support.

"But, as the mother of the gods, that sought For faire Euridyce, her daughter dere, Throughout the world, with wofull heavie thought, So will I travell whilest I tarrie heere, 466 Ne will I lodge, ne will I ever lin*, Ne, when as drouping Titan draweth nere To loose his teeme, will I take up my inne**.

But in a moment loose their grace and glorie.

He is now out of nature's protection, though not yet able to guide himself; but left loose to the world and fortune, from which the weakness of his childhood preserved him; and now his strength exposes him.

The loose end husband.

Hell let loose.




Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc. (PWH); 5Jan65; R353269. <pb id='055.png' n='1965h1/A/1049' /> CUMULATIVE LOOSE-LEAF BUSINESS ENCYCLOPEDIA.

SEE Johnston, Will H., ed. HOLT, RINEHART & WINSTON, INC. SEE Winston's Cumulative Loose-leaf Encyclopedia.

What'll we do with, him then?turn him loose?

You cannot deny that I shall have been treated hardly if I now be turned loose upon the world.

A colony of criminals did not improve in moral tone, and when the most reckless and daring of all these were turned loose in a country like California, where the machinery of laws and officers to execute them was not yet in order, these lawless "Sidney Ducks," as they were called, felt free to rob and murder, and human life or blood was not allowed to stand between them and their desires.

lose 7768 occurrences

"Don't lose your head, young man," she advised.

I said, of course, that it would be a great happiness to us all not to lose him, but that I was very doubtful of the wisdom of his decision, as it might only be rendering himself more unhappy.

" My walk under the pines would lose half its summer charm were I to miss that shy anchorite, the Wilson's thrush, nor hear in haying time the metallic ring of his song, that justifies his rustic name of scythe-whet.

Such was the occupation of the small boy, Deputy, night after night, week after week, month after month, during the year when we catch a glimpse of him, and it is reasonable to suppose that the remainder of his life, after we lose sight of him was spent, in making a cock-shy of everything that came in his way, whether Durdles or inanimate objects.

This weakness manifested itself by fits of absent-mindedness, in which she would seemingly lose connection with the present, and live over again, in imagination, the earlier years of her life.

McBane was not the man to lose an opportunity, nor did Delamere require a second invitation.

McBane was good enough to win money from, or even to lose money to, but not good enough to be recognized as a social equal.

er no, do' I 'magine de ole gent'eman wouldn' lemme lose it ef he knowed.

He staked the rest, and determined to win, because he could not afford to lose.

You must remember, William, that blood is thicker than water, and that the provocation is extreme, and that a few hotheads might easily lose sight of the great principles involved and seek immediate vengeance, without too much discrimination.

"Champlain is too fine a lake to lose forever.

"It's true, we'll lose time, but it's better to lose time and be late a little than to lose our lives and never get there at all.

"It's true, we'll lose time, but it's better to lose time and be late a little than to lose our lives and never get there at all.

"It's true, we'll lose time, but it's better to lose time and be late a little than to lose our lives and never get there at all.

"I should lose my patience if I had to listen to George's comments; and I am tired.

I know of old what you are when you lose your temper; and if you insult me I will summon aid, and proclaim who I am.

His reception by his new ally was, moreover, less cordial than he had hoped; for Condé had already begun to regret his promise, and to feel apprehensive that by upholding the interests of the Italian favourite he should lose his own popularity.

I have secured my jewels and forty thousand golden crowns, and I shall take my children with me, ifwhich I pray God may not be the case, and as I do not anticipateI find myself under the necessity of leaving the capital; for I am resolved to submit to every sort of peril and inconvenience rather than lose my own authority or endanger that of the King."

I'll never get another like her, and if she only knew it I would have Sunday dinner at 10 o'clock in the morning rather than lose her.

I'm never going to lose track of you, remember that.

True, he would lose in England, but the thought of the few dollars saved here cheered him.

There must be a middle way somewhere, as there must be somewhere an unmarried man with no position, reputation, or other vanity to lose, who most keenly wants to find out what his palette is set for in this life.

On the other handwhich is where the trouble will beginrailways and steamers make it possible nowadays to bring in persons who need never lose touch of hot and cold water-taps, spread tables, and crockery till they are turned out, much surprised, into the wilderness.

He'd lose the first election, of course, but in the long run....

He had been ordered not to leave the beach, and, therefore, could not lose his way.

Do we say   loose   or  lose