230 examples of loping in sentences

The Red Dog came "loping" across the snow.

Some were on foot, and moved with the long, loping, in-toed Indian stride.

They took up the trail of the pack where they had left it, and followed it ten hours, the cub at a swift trot, the old wolf loping along on three legs.

" What more Mike might have said is not known, as Nick caught a sign from the captain, and went loping across the flat, at his customary gait, leaving the Irishman standing on the defensive, and, to own the truth, not sorry to be rid of him.

Mike followed his companion, growling out his discontent, and watching the form of the Indian, as the latter still went loping over the flat, having passed the captain, with a message to the barns.

For the first time, in more than two years, the Tuscarora was seen approaching the house, on the long, loping trot that he affected when he wished to seem busy, or honestly earning his money.

He came up the Knoll on his loping trot, never stopping until he was within five or six yards of the Captain, when he suddenly halted, folded his arms, and stood in a composed attitude, lest he should betray a womanish desire to tell his story.

Jim Pink Staggs jerked off his fur cap, made a gesture, contorted his long, black face into a caricature of fright, and came loping across the street, looking back over his shoulder, mimicking a run for life His mummery set his audience howling.

It was an automatic, and Croisset, glancing back over the loping backs of the huskies, caught him smiling.

And now came gaunt wolves, sneaking and hungry, stealing out of the cactus thicket; and loping, coward-like, over the green swells of the prairie.

" "The heap-much Indian chief didn't understand a word of what the Negro sergeant said to him, but he understands pantomime all right, and when the black man in uniform grabbed the pail out of the squaw's hand and thrust it into the dirty paw of the chief the chief went after that bucket of water, and he went a-loping, too.

Teddy advanced with long, loping strides, at a gait considerably more rapid than his usual one.

There was no difficulty in following the trail, and the trapper did so, with his long, loping, rapid walk.

He recognized the flying peril as he raced in a wide loping semicircle.

The number was indefinite, but, somewhat to his surprise, none of them was running or loping; all were moving on a walk.

He broke into a loping trot toward the threatened point, holding his Winchester ready for instant use.

Budd did the same, and then they broke into their swift, loping trot after the fleeing animals, both in an ugly mood.

When she turned off into the homeward stretch on Outagamie Street there always slunk after her some stoop-shouldered, furtive, loping youth.

"Until the Statesman and Divine shall unite their efforts in forming the human mind, rather than in loping its excressences, after it has been neglected.

The deer used to come loping down and we would be scared and run and hide.

Well, I must go home to tell the folks to git ready," added Jim, loping off like an Indian starting on a long journey.

" This salutation was not calculated to soothe Tom's agitation, and without any reply he started on a loping trot, still keeping his attention to the rear, and prepared to break into a dead run the moment it became necessary.

They made a pair to draw to, I tell you, loping over the prairie, full of health and youngness!

Then I saw one of the stags loping leisurely off to the left.

One buck was loping in a thicket.

230 examples of  loping  in sentences