112 examples of loquacious in sentences

He had come in cold and tired, and the landlord's good ale had made him slightly loquacious.

<Talkative, loquacious, garrulous, fluent, voluble, glib>.

He was loquacious.

Some one had seized the loquacious orator of the kabak, and he was at that moment being quietly hustled out of the room.

v. verses 12th, 27th, and part of 28th.) See also the whole of that tumultuous and wonderful Poem." "The poem of 'The Thorn', as the reader will soon discover, is not supposed to be spoken in the author's own person: the character of the loquacious narrator will sufficiently shew itself in the course of the story.

Shapes of all Sorts and Sizes, great and small, That stood along the floor and by the wall; And some loquacious Vessels were; and some Listen'd perhaps, but never talk'd at all.

did the Hand then of the Potter shake?" Whereat some one of the loquacious Lot I think a Súfi pipkinwaxing hot "All this of Pot and PotterTell me, then, Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot?" "Why," said another, "some there are who tell Of one who threatens he will toss to Hell

The Governor was greatly pleased with the sound of his own voice, and the skill of his argumentations, and has the character of being a loquacious and reasoning diplomatist.

While not an invalid, she in her imagination trembled on the edge of invalidism, and upon this subject she was almost loquacious.

Meeting by chance with one Troughton, an intelligent and loquacious wanderer, Mr. Thrale invited him to dinner.

Shall we go so far as to confess that even the unsightly spittoons, and the uncleanly and loquacious fellowship resulting from their common use, seem here, for the moment, redeemed from a little of their abominableness,simply because almost any action is better than utter inaction, and any thing which makes the joyless, taciturn American speak to his fellow whom he does not know, is for the time being a blessing.

In spite of all which satirical writers have said and say of the loquacious egotism, the questioning curiosity of our people, it is true to-day that the average American is a reticent, taciturn, speechless creature, who, for his own sake, and still more for the sake of all who love him, needs, more than he needs any thing else under heaven, to learn to speak.

Egypt was the headquarters for biting and loquacious calumny, yet even Egypt never breathed a word against the sanctity of her life.

There are few high lights in "Betsy Thoughtless"; the story keeps the even and loquacious tenor of its way after a fashion called insipid by the "Monthly Review," though the critic finally acknowledges the difficulty of the task, if not the success of the writer.

After that he would nod solemnly, or, if feeling especially loquacious, venture some prophecy concerning the morrow, before resuming his unproductive rounds and his lugubrious yawp.

She was quite loquacious, considering the great length of her days, and the proverbial shortness of her tongue.

Sincerity is never loquacious, never egotistic.

Many of these little gambling shops were superintended by women, who proved themselves far from deficient in loquacious inducements for adventurers; and by their dexterous settlement of the chances, left little time for losers to reflect on their folly.

At length the engineer was goaded to anger, he became disputative, indignant, loquacious.

The engineer is a good deal more free, more loquacious and less surly than his companions, and I wonder what position he occupies on the schooner.

But let loquacious Colley have his say: "For it is to be noted that the Beaux of those days were of a quite different cast from the modern stamp, and had more of the stateliness of the peacock in their mein than (which now seems to be their highest emulation) the pert air of a lap-wing.

The nurse is one of the characters in which the author delighted; he has, with great subtilty of distinction, drawn her at once loquacious and secret, obsequious and insolent, trusty and dishonest.

It was before breakfast that my companion and self visited this interesting interior, over every part of which we were conducted by a most loquacious cicerone, who spoke the French language very fluently, and who was pleased to express his extreme gratification upon finding that his visitors were Englishmen.

Lance watched her earnestly, mollified by a single furtive glance from her significant eyes; the rain dashed against the windows, and occasionally spattered and hissed in the hearth of the broad chimney, and Mr. David Fairley, somewhat assuaged by the internal administration of whiskey, grew more loquacious.

From being the most silent of children, a perfect creep-mouse in every way, Ernie had become fearfully loquacious under my care, and was now as talkative as he had ever been observant.

112 examples of  loquacious  in sentences