11371 examples of lot in sentences

The 'General Lee house,' as some term it, stands on a grassy lot, surrounded with a grove of stately trees and underwood, except in front, where is a verdant sloping ground for a few rods, when it descends into a valley, spreading away in beautiful and broad expanse to the lovely Potomac.

He possessed only seventy camels and two horses, and the riders were chosen by lot.

Men were bound to die, and those who disturbed the progress of affairs merely suffered more swiftly the universal lot.

At last the Jews recognised the hopelessness of their lot and came to reluctant terms, submitting to exile and agreeing to depart immediately.

We see, then, how it is that, whatever be the form which excellence takes, mediocrity, the common lot of by far the greatest number, is leagued against it in a conspiracy to resist, and if possible, to suppress it.

You'll only collect debts and a lot of things you are better without.

From Stephen I count that a devil of a lot.

The spice of life is battle; the friendliest relations are still a kind of contest; and if we would not forego all that is valuable in our lot, we must continually face some other person, eye to eye, and wrestle a fall whether in love or enmity.

There are few people who have not groaned under the plethora of goods that fell to the lot of the Swiss Family Robinson, that dreary family.

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We also bought a small but well-selected lot of goods, suitable for either the Mexican or Indian trade; laid in a large stock of stores for use on the road; and then awaited the departure of some "freighter" for the "Upper Country," that we might take advantage of the better protection afforded by a large party in travelling through a country infested by hostile bands of Indians.

After descending from the tree, I found Jerry in anything but an amiable mood, at "the idee of an old hunter like he was, bein' treed by a lot of hogs;" and, as usual, he declared that "them cussid boys" was to blame, "for boys hadn't no bizness on the plains, no how.

"Why don't they prevent this?" "Because they invented the system and because political party differences don't amount to a whole lot much of the time in Washington.

Indeed, the inspector might just as well have given his certificate for a lot of milk cows, so far as they added to our force of transportation.

I have frequently seen men, in purchasing a lot of mules, select those of a certain color, fancying that they were the hardiest, and yet the animals would be widely different in their working qualities.

They, together with the tribunes and prætors, were by lot appointed to have charge of the entire city, which was divided into fourteen wards.

Moreover, he gave notice to magistrates chosen by lot, since they were even now slow about leaving the City, that they must commence their journey before the middle of April came.

[-24-] Achæa and Macedonia, which ever since Tiberius became emperor had belonged to elected governors, Claudius now returned to the choice by lot.

So carefully did Claudius guard against both possibilities that he would not without out some delay allow even an official who was his colleague to be chosen by lot for the governorship of a province that would naturally belong to him.

He was allowed to give the festival that fell to his lot at the expense of Claudius, and during it the latter asked some favors of him as if he were himself the mere head of some party and uttered any shouts that he saw other people wished him to utter.

" "So'm I." "As a matter of fact, I've got a lot of hard riding before me.

"By God, Jack," said the first man with ominous softness, "I'll take a lot from you but when it comes to doubtin' my word" Morgan, with popping eyes and a very red face, slapped his hand on the bar and vaulted over it with more agility than his plumpness warranted.

The consuls adjusting the provinces between them, the Samnites fell by lot to Junius, the new war of Etruria to Aemilius.

If while I was cutting a man's leg off I thought of the pain which he was suffering" "Thank heaven!" said Elsley, "that it was not my lot to become a medical man.

I saw Mrs. Hempstead's daughter last Sunday dressed up in a handsome light silk, and a beautiful spring hat, and if she or her mother would get sick to-morrow, they would, I suppose, soon be objects of public charity or dependent on her widowed sister, who is too proud to see her go to the poor house; and this is just the trouble with a lot of people; they not only have their own burdens to bear but somebody else's.

11371 examples of  lot  in sentences