83 examples of lotions in sentences

Such remedies are called Lotions, and should, when used, be applied with the same persistency as the fomentation; for, as the latter should be renewed as often as the heat passes off, so the former should be applied as often as the heat from the skin deprives the application of its cold.

Some recommend the application of cold lotions at first.

She stood by quietly and calmly while the surgeon of the hunters dressed my hurts, observing exactly how the bandages and lotions were applied.

The only treatment that is required, or safe, is, freedom from all pressure, and the application of cold lotions composed of brandy or vinegar and water.

In the confluent and worst forms of this disease, this measure it is particularly necessary to attend to, as also to the application of cold lotions to the head when hot and dry (with other remedial means), as there is always a tendency in these cases to the formation of abscesses, the healing of which is troublesome and attended with difficulty.

It is to be effected either by means of cloths kept constantly wet with cold water, or evaporating lotions; or by means of a bladder containing pounded ice mixed with water.

Of the folly of wetting the head with spirits, or any other medicated lotions, and of making daily efforts to bring it into shape, it is unnecessary to speak in the present chapter.

1. for a melancholy lawyer, "will have lotions of the head still joined to these baths, with a ley wherein capital herbs have been boiled."

And still after bath, the body to be anointed with oil of bitter almonds, of violets, new or fresh butter, capon's grease, especially the backbone, and then lotions of the head, embrocations, &c.

prescribes epithems and lotions of the head, with the decoction of flowers of nymphea, violet-leaves, mandrake roots, henbane, white poppy.

Herc. de Saxonia, stillicidia, or droppings, &c. Lotions of the feet do much avail of the said herbs: by these means, saith Laurentius, I think you may procure sleep to the most melancholy man in the world.

Perhaps while he is dabbing with lint and lotions the real remedy is the knife.

Cooling lotions patted on to the sore places.

One consisted of the lotions and medicines prescribed for her by Dr. Tolbridge, and the other of those she herself, in the course of many years, had ordered or compounded,not only for her own use, but for that of others.

Hunk Collins, his roommate, procured two slices of fresh beefsteak, and the Virginian had them bound over his eyes, while his face was bathed with soothing and healing lotions; but nothing could soothe his bruised and battered spirit, and Collins said he was kept awake all night by hearing Diamond grind his teeth at irregular intervals.

About January 10 she was lame, and as she had a cracked heel, was treated by poulticing for a day, and then by antiseptic lotions.

Still the child was uneasy, and would keep his eyes shut; so the Doctor thought he must try something, and he used some lotions common in such cases; but, as they did no good, the kind old gentleman, at Madeline's request, consented to sit by the little boy's bedside at night; when, all at once, as he was carefully dabbing his eyes with rosewater, he perceived that the child was fast asleep.

A rich and portly society matron of Pittsburgh nowshe whose name had been a synonym for pulchritude these thirty years; she who had had more cold creams, hats, cigars, corsets, horses, and lotions named for her than any woman in history!

" By the time we reached the hotel, I was in a state of fever; opiates and lotions had their will of me for the rest of the day.

Less important external ailments and hurts, such as ulcers, boils, sprains, and so on, are treated by applying various lotions or poultices, compounded by boiling or macerating certain roots or herbs, known only to the person supplying them.

In order to keep up the perspiration, or according to the Negro Doctor, to strengthen the skin, he applied from time to time, warm lotions of the leaves of the palma christi, and of cassia, (casse puante.)

Lotions, fever mixtures, cough mixtures, quinine, etc., are given to the poorer depressed classes, as also clothes and soap to the needy ones.

And I bequeath you both good careful Surgions, A Legacy, you have need of, more than mony, I know you want good Diets, and good Lotions,

For this purpose, pure air, enforced exercise, the use of cold, warm, and vapor baths, of spirituous lotions and frictions, a simple yet eminently nutritive diet, regular habits, and the administration of those medicinal alternatives which would give tone to the system, activity to the absorbents, and vigor to the muscles, were the remedial measures adopted.

All stimulating lotions are injurious to the hair; it should be cut every two months: to clean it, there is nothing better than an egg beaten up to a froth, to be rubbed in the hair, and afterwards washed off with elder flower-water; but clear soft water answers every purpose of cleanliness, and is far better for the hair than is usually imagined.

83 examples of  lotions  in sentences