151 examples of loues in sentences

Gismond, that whilom liued her fathers ioy, and dyed his death, now dead doeth (as she may) by vs pray you to pitie her anoye; and, to reacquite the same, doeth humbly pray Joue shield yo'r vertuous loues from like decay.

For vpon my life, This Spirit dumbe to vs, will speake to him: Do you consent we shall acquaint him with it, As needfull in our Loues, fitting our Duty?

Giue it an vnderstanding but no tongue; I will requite your loues; so, fare ye

Perhaps he loues you now, And now no soyle nor cautell doth besmerch The vertue of his feare: but you must feare

Then if he sayes he loues you, It fits your wisedome so farre to beleeue it;

[Footnote 10: 1st Q. Ofelia, receiue none of his letters, For louers lines are snares to intrap the heart; [Sidenote: 82] Refuse his tokens, both of them are keyes To vnlocke Chastitie vnto Desire; Come in Ofelia; such men often proue, Great in their wordes, but little in their loue.

[Page 52] As meditation, or the thoughts of Loue, May sweepe to my Reuenge. Ghost.

The will of my most seeming vertuous Queene: Oh Hamlet, what a falling off was there, [Sidenote: what failing] From me, whose loue was of that dignity, That it went hand in hand, euen with the Vow I made to her in Marriage; and to decline Vpon a wretch, whose Naturall gifts were poore To those of mine.

Rest, rest perturbed Spirit: so Gentlemen, With all my loue I doe commend me to you; And what so poore a man as Hamlet is, May doe t'expresse his loue and friending to you, God willing shall not lacke: let vs goe in together, And still your fingers on your lippes I pray, The time is out of ioynt:

Mad for thy Loue? Ophe.

This is the very extasie of Loue, Whose violent property foredoes it selfe, And leads the will to desperate Vndertakings,

1st Q. Lets to the king, this madnesse may prooue, Though wilde a while, yet more true to thy loue.]

Doubt, that the Sunne doth moue; Doubt Truth to be a Lier, But neuer Doubt, I loue.

O deere Ophelia, I am ill at these Numbers: I haue not Art to reckon my grones; but that I loue thee best, oh most Best beleeue it.

But how hath she receiu'd his Loue? Pol.

Doubt that in earth is fire, Doubt that the starres doe moue, Doubt trueth to be a liar, But doe not doubt I loue.]

[Page 82] When I had seene this hot loue on the wing, As I perceiued it, I must tell you that Before my Daughter told me, what might you Or my deere Maiestie your Queene heere, think, If I had playd the Deske or Table-booke, Or giuen my heart a winking, mute and dumbe, [Sidenote: working] Or look'd vpon this Loue, with idle sight, What might you thinke?

[Footnote 5: Here is a change from the impression conveyed in the first act: he attributes his interference to his care for what befitted royalty; whereas, talking to Ophelia (40, 72), he attributes it entirely to his care for her;so partly in the speech correspondent to the present in 1st Q.: Now since which time, seeing his loue thus cross'd, Which I tooke to be idle, and but sport, He straitway grew into a melancholy,]

1st Q.: Let flattery sit on those time-pleasing tongs; To glose with them that loues to heare their praise; And not with such as thou Horatio.

This world is not for aye, nor 'tis not strange That euen our Loues should with our Fortunes change.

[Sidenote: a poore mans] Nature is fine in Loue, and where 'tis fine, It sends some precious instance of it selfe After the thing it loues.

They are (quoth he) the soules of noble men which we do here feed, for the loue of God who gouerneth the world: and as a man was honorable or noble in this life, so his soule after death, entreth into the body of some excellent beast or other, but the soules of simple and rusticall people do possesse the bodies of more vile and brutish creatures.

The second famous monument of Cairo is called Neffisa, of one Neffisa buried there, who was a Dame of honour, and mooued by lust, yeelded her body voluntarily without rewarde, to any that required the same, and sayde she bestowed this almes for the loue of her Prophet Mahomet, and therefore at this day they adore her, reuerence her, and finally haue canonized her for a Saint, affirming that shee did many miracles.

This said, he exhorteth them vnto the loue of God, and to prayer and almes.

I prethee sweete natures darling, insult not ouermuch vpon quiet men: a worme that is troden vpon will turne againe, and patience loues not to be made a cart of Croyden.

151 examples of  loues  in sentences