334 examples of louisville in sentences

" The Louisville "Courier-Journal" went even higher in its praise:


He made Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and Louisville centres of observation.

Our object was to go to Louisville, at the falls of the Ohio.

We were several daysI do not recollect how manyin reaching Louisville, in Kentucky.

Louisville had all the elements of city life.

I left my baggage, consisting of two well-filled trunks, in charge of Mr. Ellis, a worthy innkeeper of the town, and when I was ready to continue my way on foot for St. Louis, I was joined in this journey by Messrs. Kemp and Keen, my fellow-voyagers on the water from Louisville.

On preparing for my removal to the state of Pennsylvania, it became necessary for me to go to Louisville, in Kentucky, where, if possible, I became more horrified with the impositions practiced upon the negro than before.

Hughes and Neil traded in slaves down the river: they had bought up a part of their stock in the upper counties of Kentucky, and brought them down to Louisville, where the remainder of their drove was in jail, waiting their arrival.

Colonel Oliver of Louisville, lost a valuable race-horse by the explosion of the steamer Oronoko, a few months since on the Mississippi river.

A Louisville paper thus speaks of the occurrence: "Colonel Oliver suffered severely by the explosion of the Oronoko.

Until the appearance of the steamboat in 1812, the merchants of Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, and a host of other towns in the interior bought the produce of the Western settlers, and floating it down the Ohio and the Mississippi sold it at New Orleans for cash, and with the money purchased goods at Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, and carried them over the mountains to the West.

Instructors, Rev. Azel Hatch, Oberlin, O. Miss Flora C. Clough, Plainfield, N.H. " Anna M. Tetter, Oberlin, O. " Mira L. Olmstead, Denver, Col. " Mary A. Peffers, Peru, Vt. " Louise C. Holman, Lincoln, Neb. LOUISVILLE.

Minister, Rev. G.M. McClellan, Louisville, Ky. Special Missionary, Miss S.S. Evans, Fryeburg, Me. WILLIAMSBURG AND S. WILLIAMSBURG.

Ch., Bbl. for Louisville, Ky. Hallowell, Me.

Christmas Gifts, for Louisville, Ky. Woburn, Mass. Bbl., for Louisvile, Ky. RHODE ISLAND, $427.80.

George R. Leighton (A); 8Jun65; R362533. Louisville, Kentucky.


see McClung's "Western Adventures" (Louisville, 1879), 52, 167, 207, 308, etc.; also DeHaas, 236, 289, etc.; Doddridge, 16, 288, 301, etc., etc. 6.

Still, we now and then come across one that is unmistakable, as Erickson, for instance (see p. 51 of Col. Reuben T. Durrett's admirable "Life and Writings of John Filson," Louisville and Cincinnati, 1884).

According to the inscription on the barrel it was made at Louisville (Ky.), in 1782, by M. Humble.

The book which these old hunters read around their camp-fire in the Indian-haunted primaeval forest a century and a quarter ago has by great good-luck been preserved, and is in Col. Durrett's library at Louisville.

It is printed in the Filson Club publications; see "The Wilderness Road," by Thomas Speed, Louisville, Ky., 1886; one of the best of an excellent series.

Shelby's MS. autobiography, in Durrett's Library at Louisville.

Ramsey gives a story about Isaac Shelby rallying the whites to victory, and later writers of course follow and embellish this; but Shelby's MS. autobiography (see copy in Col. Durrett's library at Louisville) not only makes no mention of the battle, but states that Shelby was at this time in Kentucky; he came back in August or September, and so was hundreds of miles from the place when the battle occurred.

334 examples of  louisville  in sentences