6 examples of lous in sentences

* * 66 themes her' e sy ramp' ant a chieved' es cort ed po ta'toes trem' u lous lux u' ri ous cre du' li ty in cred' i ble phe nom' e non pre ma ture' ly CHRISTMAS DINNER AT THE CRATCHITS'.

It sure is a scan-lous bit of writin'.

In common with the others, he followed the pious and confiding Pierre in silence, making the best of his way after the credit lous guide.

Accompanied with a French translation, his principal poems, "Mous Soubenis," "L'Abuglo de Castel-Cuillé," "Francouneto," "Maltro l'Innoucento," "Lous Dus Frays Bessous," "La Semmâno d'un Fil," have been read as much north of the Loire as south.

1. Correction of Webster, by Rule 1st:ca-price, e-steem, dis-e-steem, o-blige;a-zure, ma-tron, pa-tron, pha-lanx, si-ren, trai-tor, tren-cher, bar-ber, bur-nish, gar-nish, tar-nish, var-nish, mar-ket, mus-ket, pam-phlet;bra-ver-y, kna-ver-y, sla-ver-y, e-ven-ing, sce-ner-y, bri-ber-y, ni-ce-ty, chi-ca-ner-y, ma-chin-er-y, im-a-ger-y;a-sy-lum, ho-ri-zon,fin-an-cier, her-o-ism, sar-do-nyx, scur-ri-lous,co-me-di-an, pos-te-ri-or.

He is at present rector of the Reformed Church in Fontenay-Lous-Bois, in the Department of Seine.

6 examples of  lous  in sentences