21 examples of loutish in sentences

Here was a pretty business, for though gentleman born I was as loutish with a gentleman's weapon as any country hind.

The others were every make and manner of fellow, from well-shaped and well-clad gentlemen to loutish seamen in leather jerkins.

By this we do not mean that you are to set up in business as a taxidermist, but that you are boundif a true sportsmanto protect the song birds, and the birds that are useful in destroying noxious vermin, and all the beautiful feathered creatures that ornament our woods, and fields, and parks, from the depredations of the ignorant, loutish, pestilent, pernicious pot-hunter.

Boorish, churlish, loutish, clownish, rustic, ill-bred.

In a moment they were all on their knees, clinging to him, crying to him for help: Tula himself, a wild-looking Slav of fifty or thereabouts; his wife, haggard, emaciated, horrible to look upon, for she was toothless and almost blind; two women and a loutish boy of sixteen.

The general build of an individual, his skeletal type, the proportion between the size of his arms and that of his legs, as well as that between his trunk and his lower extremities, whether he is to be tall, lanky and loutish, or short, squat and dumpy, are to be considered.

Who's first?" A big, loutish fellow with an ungainly walk stepped forward.

But, indeed, the tall one answered, simpering, that she was promised; and immediately gave her hand to a great hulking farmer-lout, and went round the green with him; and well punished she was for her waywardness; for she had all her skill to save her pretty feet from his loutish stampings; and very glad she was to meet the end of the dance.

He was loutish, silent in company, ill at ease in his princely surroundings, and in all respects unlike his younger brothers.

Flippant young city butterflies jump to their feet and gravely salute when their elders enter, the loutish peasant flings up his chin as if he would defy the universe.

When he mimicked the awkward walk of one boy, and the bad drawl of another, and the loutish carriage of a third, the school resounded with shouts of laughter, which seemed to our Hero a great triumph,something like the cheers which had greeted the good young King as he left the fishing-town.

The Heldenbuch. EL'BOW, a well-meaning but loutish constable.

A loutish person promptly abandoned a lawn mower in the near distance and came to stand by the head of the languid pony.

Then the Doctor would approach with Agag-like delicacy, and, extending his hand to the shyest and most loutish boy, would say, "Must you go?

He gazed insolently at Max, and said in Italian to his companions: "There is the loutish outlander, who boasted before the duke that he would fight me.

This he had done after the good old English plan, which is said to be somewhat loutish, but is not without its efficacy.

Compared with her, Des Esseintes seemed to himself a frail, effeminate creature, and he began to desire her as ardently as an anaemic young girl might desire some loutish Hercules whose arms could crush her in a strong embrace.

To enjoy music, one must become part of that public which fills the theatres where, in a vile atmosphere, one perceives a loutish-looking man butchering episodes from Wagner, to the huge delight of the ignorant mob.

Their mounted pickets for miles are spied Dotting the lowland plain, The nearer ones in their veteran-rags Loutish they loll in lazy disdain.

Thanks in great part to Gibbon Wakefield's much-abused Company, New Zealand was fortunate in the mental calibre of her pioneer settlers, and in their determined efforts to save their children from degenerating into loutish, half-educated provincials.

He had left behind him the loutish, unformed boy, and had become a handsome, courteous, well-mannered gentleman.

21 examples of  loutish  in sentences