Do we say love or bad

love 69385 occurrences

and I foold, A new love in hir armes, my doatings scornd at.

You are a good Lord, Indeed I love you for't and will pray for you.

No, I thanck ye, I know a trick worth ten o'that: ile love ye And bring ye to those men that love to see ye. Away, away; and keepe your pistolls spand still: We may be forced.

I love thee, too: thy physick Will quickly purge me from the worldes abuses.

May he protect with honour, fight with fortune, And dye with generall love, an old and good Prince.

'Tis true, Thomas: but I must change the lynings of the breeches, for I love to bee cleanly.

Azure is constant, and Peach is love; which signifies my constant Affection.

Such are the strange varieties in love, Such heates, such desperate coldes, Sis.

No more winter, and you love me, unlesse you can command the colepits; we have had a hard tyme on't already for want of fuell.

He that knowes Love knowes well that every hower Love's glad, Love's sad, Love's sweet Sis.

He that knowes Love knowes well that every hower Love's glad, Love's sad, Love's sweet Sis.

He that knowes Love knowes well that every hower Love's glad, Love's sad, Love's sweet Sis.

He that knowes Love knowes well that every hower Love's glad, Love's sad, Love's sweet Sis.

Ile cheerefully attend you, I love the sport; as earlie as you please,

Oh the Neats tongues and partargoes that I have eaten at Stillyard, but of all things in the world I do not love a black catt: next a brewers cart, there's nothing will stay a man so much in the night as a Constables.

No, no, saveing your presence, your Boyes have nothing, sarreverence, but Love songs, and I hate those monstruously, to make thinges appeare better then they are, and that is but deceptio Visus, which after some embraceings the parties see presently what it is.

Why then in prose, the worst that I can speake in, I doe not love you, Lady. Sis.

You saw himis he well?" "As hearty as you could wish, and full of love for you, and rejoiced beyond measure to know you are to marry a brave, honest gentleman."

" "Only that," says she, her countenance falling again, "we are to hide our love, pretend indifference, behave towards this dear father as if he were nought to me but a friend.

Yet her husband never looked more hearty and strong, and every look and word of his bespoke increasing love.

And if this part was hard to play in public, where we are all, I take it, actors of some sort and on the alert to sustain the character we would have our own, how much more difficult must it be in private when we drop our disguise and lay our hearts open to those we love!

This persevering, patient toil on his part did at first engender in my mind suspicion that some doubting thoughts urged him to assume his independence against any accident that might befall the estate; but now I believe 'twas nothing but a love of work and of his art, and that his mind was free from any taint of misgiving, as regards his wife's honesty.

'Tis likely enough, that spite her caution, many a word and sign escaped Moll, which an enemy would have quickly seized on to prove her culpable; but we do never see the faults of those we love (or, seeing them, have ready at a moment excuse to prove them no faults at all), and at this time Mr. Godwin's heart was so full of love, there was no place for other feeling.

"I would have you go, and yet I'd have you stay, love," says she.

"You two are always quarrelling," she said, archly, "just like a couple ofcouple of" "Love-birds," suggested Mr. Nugent.

bad 18065 occurrences

As for his provisions, a good deal of the meat turned bad on the voyage, and the contract was not very satisfactorily carried out.

But it was impossible to rule over the natives satisfactorily unless the Spanish settlers could be forced to submit to the laws, and the Adelantado was not powerful enough to keep the bad characters in subjection.

The three caravels which had been despatched from Gomera by the admiral unfortunately made a bad landfall, and appeared off Xaragua.

Very desirous of being the author who should designate the other polar star of the firmament, I lost, many a time, my night's sleep while contemplating the movement of the stars around the southern pole, in order to ascertain which had the least motion, and which might be nearest to the firmament; but I was not able to accomplish it with such bad nights as I had, and such instruments as I used, which were the quadrant and astrolabe.

I am free to acknowledge that I think the whole of this stanza bad.

And Hunt was in bad odour with these reviews because he was a hostile politician, still more than because of any actual or assumed defects in his performances as an ordinary man of letters.

As bad as toimes are, an' as feaw as things look, We're certain they met ha' bin worse; We'n had tommy to eat, an' clooas to put on; They'n only bin roughish, aw know.

This world's full o' changes for better an' wur, An' this is one change among th' ruck; We'n a toime o' prosperity,toime o' success, An' then we'n a reawnd o' bad luck.

Short in staple, and often rotten, bad in quality, and dirty in condition, (the result too often of dishonest packers,) it was found to be exceedingly difficult to work up; and from its various defects, it involved considerable deductions, or 'batings,' for bad work, from the spinners' and weavers' wages.

Short in staple, and often rotten, bad in quality, and dirty in condition, (the result too often of dishonest packers,) it was found to be exceedingly difficult to work up; and from its various defects, it involved considerable deductions, or 'batings,' for bad work, from the spinners' and weavers' wages.

I was quite ashamed of my bad memory.

He laughed where he saw something to laugh at, but not elsewhere, which in some circles is considered morose and in bad form.

There was something in that laugha ring of wounded vanity, the wounded vanity of a bad woman who is in the presence of her superior.

"A woman only conceals what is bad about her husband.

What news have you, bad character?" Steinmetz smiled pensively, not so much suggesting the desire to impart as the intention to withhold that which the lady called news.

He says he has none; but is one to believe so notorious a bad character?" "Madame, it is wise to believe only that which is convenient.

" "Do you dislike my taste, Ned?To my eye, now, the structure has no bad appearance from this spot!" "Fitness and comfort are indispensable requisites for domestic architecture, to use your own argument.

This is a gaining concern, though there has been some falling off of late, in consequence of the clergyman's having caught a bad cold, which has made him a little hoarse; but I dare say he will get over it, and the church ought not to be abandoned on that account, serious as the matter undoubtedly is, for the moment.

To dismiss this expression with the contempt which it deserves, yet not without the reflections which it naturally excites, I shall only observe, that all extension of the power of the crown must be dangerous to us; and that whoever endeavours to find out new modes of guilt, is to be looked on, not as a good subject, but a bad citizen.

The Widow, Madam, You bad me look upon.

Of a portrait exhibited in 1896, at Munich, a critic said that while it was not wholly bad, it was no better than what hundreds of others could do as well, and hundreds of others could do much better.

Then one day the thing gets shaky, and it goes from bad to worse, And the public grasps a shadow where it tried to hold a share; And in vain the country clergy most unclerically curse, You have "realised your property," and end a millionnaire.


As the bad weather detained the ships, the admiral sent the notary, accompanied by two Indians, to a town where Guacanagari resided, to see if he could procure gold; for, having got some considerable quantity of late, he believed it might be more plentiful in this part.

Diaz then desired him to send his master; but this he likewise refused, saying that were as bad as going himself, and that Spanish admirals were not wont to put themselves or their men into the hands of others.

Do we say   love   or  bad