50 examples of lucilla in sentences

"So Lucilla is anxious about me?

"Lucilla," he exclaimed, "you are mad to stand on the damp grass.

" "My poor Lucilla," he said.

Lucilla, who armed her assassins against her own brother, seems to have ruled the court of Marcus Aurelius.

Therefore, Marcus made him his son-in-law by marrying him to his daughter Lucilla, and sent him to the Parthian war.

" This man had taken as his spouse the daughter of Lucilla, but had intimate relations both with the daughter herself and with the girl's mother; in this way he had become friendly with Commodus, so that he was his companion at banquets and in the diversions of youth.

Lucilla, who was neither more respectable nor more continent than her brother Commodus, detested the girl's husband, Pompeianus.

Lucilla McSpadden (W) & Chester McSpadden (C); 8Nov63; R325142.


Lucilla McSpadden (W) & Chester McSpadden (C); 8Nov63; R325142.


Ruth was artful; she tucked in Lucilla Waters, after all; she said it would be such a nice chance to have her; she knew she would rather come when we were by ourselves, and especially when we had our work and patterns about.

Lucilla brought a sack and an overskirt to make; she could hardly have been spared if she had had to bring mere idle work.

So does Leslie Goldthwaite, to be sure; but then Mr. Goldthwaite's is one of the old, old-fashioned houses that were built when the town was country, and that has its great yard full of trees and flowers around it now; and Mrs. Waters lives in a block, flat-face to the street, with nothing pretty outside, and not very much in; for they have never been rich, the Waterses, and Mr. Waters died ten years ago, when Lucilla was a little child.

Lucilla and her mother keep a little children's school; but it was vacation now, of course.

Lucilla is in Mrs. Ingleside's Bible-class; that is how Ruth, and then the rest of us, came to know her.

" Arctura Fish is making herself up, slowly, after the pattern of Lucilla Waters.

But Lucilla Waters comes just next.

She can see how she does up her hair, in something approaching the new way, leaning back behind her in the class and tracing out the twists between the questions; for Lucilla can only afford to use her own, and a few strands of harmless Berlin wool under it; she can't buy coils and braids and two-dollar rats, or intricacies ready made up at theupholsterer's, I was going to say.

Not her very finest, out of Miss Leslie; she said that was too much like the fox and the crane, when Lucilla asked for the receipts.

Then she met Lucilla Waters in the street.

Rosamond told her, very sweetly, that we were obliged, but that she was afraid it was quite too late; we had asked others; the Hobarts, and the Inglesides; one or two whom Adelaide did not know,Helen Josselyn, and Lucilla Waters; the parties would not interfere much, after all.

Miss Elizabeth spoke in a lower tone, for Lucilla was just before the Inglesides, with Helen and Pen Pennington.

Lucilla Waters invented charades; and Helen Josselyn acted them, as charades had never been acted on West Hill until now.

Lucilla Waters knows them now as well as we do; and she is taking German lessons with Pen Pennington.

50 examples of  lucilla  in sentences