50 examples of lupins in sentences

In addition to the flowers chosen for beauty of colour, this lover of children and of gardens wants Canterbury Bells to ring, Forget-me-nots because they can stand so much watering, and "flowers with faces," pansies, sweet-peas, lupins, snapdragons, monkey flowers, red and white dead nettles, and red clover to bring the bees.

But three weeks later, when the landscape was wearing its imperial livery of lupin and eschscholtizia, when the fields at night were white with moonflowers, when a glorious harvest was assured, and all beasts and birds and insects were garrulous of love and love's

Wild lilac and big sage bushes, flowering lupins and gilias, bordered the road, for spring was abroad in San Lorenzo county.

Sun-gilded trees and flower-beds gay with blossom; lupins, snap-dragons, nasturtiums, spiry foxgloves, and mighty hollyhocks formed the foreground; over which a pair of sulphur-tinted butterflies flitted, unmindful of a buxom and miraculously clean white cat which pursued them, dancing across the borders and clapping her snowy paws fruitlessly in mid-air.

The pink, the broom, the poppy, the speedwell, the lupin, that beautiful variety of the cyclamen, called by the Syrians "deek e-djebel" (cock o' the mountain), and a number of unknown plants dazzled the eye with their profusion, and loaded the air with fragrance as rare as it was unfailing.

The tree-shadows were painted pools of lupin, azure lakes; or they were purple seas of larkspur.

Mars frowned, Jove threatened, Venus rose glowing from the sea; and below, the unctuous black dust settled and thickened on everything except the cracked floors piled with maize and beans and lupins, and rubbed bright between the heaps by the peasants' naked feet.

I flushed as I saw his amusement, and quickly called his attention to the receding shores where the encircling green hills had thrown out long banners of yellow mustard and blue lupins.

The hills had put on their festival attire, catching up their emerald gowns with bunches of golden poppies and veiling their shoulders in filmy scarfs of blue lupins.

After it came into possession of the Americans, lupins were scattered broadcast as a first means of cultivation and for a time the undulating hills were veiled in blue.

"Give me 'Ars ne Lupin'."

Hyacinths, lupins and hollyhocks were freely interspersed with the glistening foliage of the shrubbery.

Blue and yellow lupins stood knee-high, and strawberries grew wild among them.

(Les Aventures extraordinaires d'Arséne Lupin)

(Les Aventurea extraordinaires d'Arséne Lupin)

(Avventures extraordinaires d'Arsene Lupin)

Mrs. Fletcher Pratt (W); 24Dec63; R328394. Sherlock Holmes vs. Arsene Lupin.

Sherlock Holmes vs. Arsene Lupin.

Mrs. Fletcher Pratt (W); 24Dec63; R328394. Sherlock Holmes vs. Arsene Lupin.

Sherlock Holmes vs. Arsene Lupin.

They told her that the black and white cow had calved, and that the blue lupins had come up in the garden, that the old sow had died, that Jenny, the chintz cat, had kittened and that the lop-eared rabbit had a litter.

" They came to a standstill at the south wall where the tall blue lupins rose between them, vivid in the tender air and very still.

His eyes looked away over the blue spires of the lupins to the naked hillside.

Thermopsis Montana(Fabacea).This hardy perennial produces spikes of yellow Lupin-like flowers from June to September.

The Egyptian, or African Lupins, L. thermis, Turmus, is the only one named in the native language, and has a white flower.

50 examples of  lupins  in sentences