458 examples of lurched in sentences

Ah, that is bettermuch better...." He fired, and the sound of his pistol in the closed room made my ears ring, and then the ship lurched, so that I had nearly lost my balance.

And he fired again, and the Sea Tern still lurched in the trough of the sea.

" He lurched into the cabin a half a minute later.

It is only the well-fed and comfortable who are not willing to change their condition, and so when the others saw the "Broncho" forging up the hill, the whole herd, as if at a word of command, lurched forward up the bank.

" Antonin, however, having peeped behind the booth containing the china ornaments, lurched back again, still with his hands in his pockets, and said with his vicious sneer: "Just look there, you'll see something.

The bully lurched straddling away.

He staggered and stumbled; he lurched rapidly ahead for a little space and then moved with halting steps.

Down they went together, and Sinclair lurched up from under the weight only to be overtaken by many reaching hands from behind.

"Where's Arizona?" Cartwright lurched out of the room with his naked gun in his hand.

The horses came to a halt so willing and sudden that the collars shoved halfway up their necks, and the tongue of the wagon lurched beyond their noses.

The sledge ran faster and lurched violently as it plunged over the edge of the steep drop.

On the second night after leaving the presidio, Kit sat on the coaming of a small steam launch that lurched across the long undulations rolling in from the Caribbean.

A half-breed on board the launch caught it with his boat hook, and Adam stood at the bow, waiting for a chance to jump upon the narrow platform that lurched up above him and then plunged into the sea.

Her whistle shrieked above the turmoil of the sea, a light blinked in the spray, and she lurched on before the tumbling combers.

For a time the land breeze blew the steam of the swamps after her, and masts and funnels reeled through a muggy haze as she lurched across the surf-swept shoals.

It broke and half buried her in rushing foam, but she lifted, lurched ahead, and did not strike again.

The hillside was blurred; distorted objects that he thought were rocks and cactus lurched about in the elusive moonlight, and the sweat ran down his face as he fought against the drug.

It was dark when our wagon lurched into this camp, and a full hour passed before the baffled Turks could convince themselves that our pass and we were all that they should be, and put us into a tent.

Just as the horses emerged from the fog, a man came up behind and lurched violently against me and, strangely enough, at the same moment passed his foot in front of mine.

" He gave a little laugh at the sarcasm, and sticking his short pipe in his mouth lurched slowly to the front-room door and scowled at his wife as she lurked at the back of the window watching intently the furniture which was being carried in next door.

"OUT OF THE NIGHT THAT COVERS ME" CHAPTER I GREEN FIELDS AND PASTURES NEW The Imperial Limited lurched with a swing around the last hairpin curve of the Yale canyon.

The zouave next to Stephen lurched up against him spouting blood from the neck; on the other side of him another, a sergeant, too, had gone stark mad, apparently, and was swinging his terrible sabre bayonet without regard to friend or foe; and still another man of his squad, swearing horridly, had clutched a ghostly enemy in the smoke across the fence and was trying to strangle him with his bare hands.

At last the carriage swerved sharply to one side, and jolted over a stone; and the man lurched nearer to her, andand moaned!

She lurched heavily under the sea that was now getting up, and, a squall striking her, her lee guns were completely buried.

He strode in without as much as a word, and, not waiting for my invitation, lurched heavilyhe was a big, heavy-moving fellowinto the parlour, where he set down his bag, his plaid, and his stick, and dropping into an easy chair, gave a sort of groan as he looked at me.

458 examples of  lurched  in sentences