35 examples of m's in sentences

She tried to imitate mine, but I know these M's and r's and A's.

It was Nelly Ryder's acceptance of her invitation; and Mary, looking at the peculiar M's and r's and A's saw as clearly as Marian herself the proof of the same hand in each note.

Putting these all together you get mnnnnr, and you can see that the very appearance of the "m's" and "n's" (especially when written) running into one another, of itself suggests a stream of water.

He was one day sitting in his room soliloquizing aloud; his favourite Newfoundland-dog was at his side, and seemed to engross all m's attention.

"Are you not going to Lady M 's, too?" "No; that is, I won't go yet; not till you have explained all this to me.

I'll go" "To Lady M's ball?" "No, confound it; to meet that fellow there!

Her fellow "M's" as well as all the other letters appeared to be having desperate trouble with the custom-house men, who clawed out the contents of their trunks and then calmly left the cowed owners to stuff everything back as best they could.

On Mr. M's plantation, at the island De Fuskee, I saw an old man whipped; he was about 60.

Mr. Steele's brother was wounded by the discharge of a pistol from one of Mr. M's friends.

Her complexion is like M's, and the lower part of her face is shaped like hers, dark eyebrows, light hair, splendid teeth, and I suppose would be called very pretty by you girls.

Your readers will, I am sure, all unite with me in commendation of your correspondent "M's" correct feeling in offering to restore this monument to its original site.

I hope "M's" example will find many followers.

"All measures for folio's and quarto's, should be made to m's of the English body; all measures for octavo's, to Pica m's."Ibid.

Who can tell them apart though he tries From her m's Or her e's, N's, or u's As you please In her letters?

They consisted, upon the upper flat part of the rock, of four multiple circles with a dot in the middle (O), very accurately made and about a foot and a half in diameter; and below them, on the side of the rock, four multiple m's or inverted w's (M).


I shall, therefore, not betray, by a mean apology, that right which no man has power, and, I suppose, no wise man has desire to refuse me; but shall consider the letter published by you last Friday, in defence of Mr. M's design for a new bridge.

M-G-M's Tom and Jerry and their friends.

Undoubtedly, since we use two phrases in talking first about 'M's relation to L' and then again about 'M's relation to N,' we must be having, or must have had, two distinct perceptions;and the rest would then seem to follow duly.

Undoubtedly, since we use two phrases in talking first about 'M's relation to L' and then again about 'M's relation to N,' we must be having, or must have had, two distinct perceptions;and the rest would then seem to follow duly.

BURROUGHS L. M's 150.00 Miles.

Next morning early we landed, under escort of Dr. Stewart, M's brother, and you may imagine the meeting.

And she had gone on from day to day enduring this agony, till I suppose its own intolerable pressure and M's sweet countenance and gentle sympathising voice and manner had constrained her to lay down this great burden of sorrow at our feet.

The three M's: Mirth, music, and moderation.

The three M's; Modesty, moderation, and mutuality.

35 examples of  m's  in sentences