54 examples of macerated in sentences

Their cooks prepared pickles with the greatest care, and the various ingredients were macerated in oil, brine, and vinegar, with which they were often impregnated drop by drop.

They live mostly on the ground, scraping the earth with their feet, and feeding on seeds and grains, which, previous to digestion, are macerated in their crops.

The stuff is first macerated with alum, and then for a finish dipped in a weak alcoholic solution of alkali.

Indeed for an immediate illustration of the products of the business toward which he was hastening I might have taken him by the arm and led him across two sets of tracks and shown him men in the prime of life who were hatcheled like flax, and mauled like blocks, and riddled like sieves, and macerated out of the living image of their Maker.

Erasmus vindicates fools from this melancholy catalogue, because they have most part moist brains and light hearts; [1056]they are free from ambition, envy, shame and fear; they are neither troubled in conscience, nor macerated with cares, to which our whole life is most subject.

Mancipia gulae, slaves to their several lusts and appetite, they precipitate and plunge themselves into a labyrinth of cares, blinded with lust, blinded with ambition; "They seek that at God's hands which they may give unto themselves, if they could but refrain from those cares and perturbations, wherewith they continually macerate their minds."

A general cause, a continuate cause, an inseparable accident, to all men, is discontent, care, misery; were there no other particular affliction (which who is free from?) to molest a man in this life, the very cogitation of that common misery were enough to macerate, and make him weary of his life; to think that he can never be secure, but still in danger, sorrow, grief, and persecution.

What is it, trow you, that makes a poor man labour all his lifetime, carry such great burdens, fare so hardly, macerate himself, and endure so much misery, undergo such base offices with so great patience, to rise up early, and lie down late, if there were not an extraordinary delight in getting and keeping of money?

do we macerate ourselves for this?

What is the Difference in the Happiness of him who is macerated by Abstinence, and his who is surfeited with Excess?

In a macerated foot the sensitive laminæ of the corium interdigitate with the horny laminæ of the hoof; that is to say, there is no union between the two, for the simple reason that it has been destroyed; they simply interlock like the unglued junction of a finely dovetailed piece of joinery.

In a macerated specimen, then, the exposed sensitive structures of the foot exhibit the corium as (1) the Coronary Cushion, fitting into the cutigeral groove; (2) the Sensitive Laminæ, clothing the outer surface of the terminal phalanx, and extending to the bars; (3) the Plantar Cushion, or sensitive frog; and (4) the Sensitive Sole.

From the matter here given us it is easy to understand how, in a macerated foot, the appearance is given of interlocking of the sensitive and horny laminæ.

This enlargement of the Haversian canals is well seen when the bone is macerated, the whole then giving the appearance of a piece of very rough pumice-stone.

For the holy maiden, as soon as she was married, began to macerate her flesh with many watchings, rising every night to pray; her husband sometimes sleeping, sometimes conniving at her, often begging her, in compassion to her delicacy, not to afflict herself indiscreetly, often supporting her with his hand when she prayed.'

In order to observe these different forms of Bacteriaceæ it is only necessary to examine microscopically a drop of water in which organic matter has been macerated, when there will be seen Micrococci (Fig.

Thus, in water in which plants have been macerated the surface of the liquid is occupied by Bacillus subtilis.

It had been cut up, macerated, perhaps chewed; perhaps it had been also soaked with water.

There was no trench left; only macerated earth and mangled men.

What is the Difference in the Happiness of him who is macerated by Abstinence, and his who is surfeited with Excess?

The Scorpaenae have so strong a generic resemblance among themselves that it is difficult to detect the distinctive characters of the species, especially as the colours of the recent fish speedily fade when macerated in spirits, or when the mucous integument decays or is injured.

If the stallion shows an aversion for a mare, her parts should be smeared when she is in heat with the marrow of a shrimp macerated in water to the consistency of honey, and the stallion allowed to smell of it.

He is a macerated little saint, with the eyes of a ferret and the heart of a mouse.

Instead of the extract, a tincture has been made of the dried leaves macerated in six times their weight of spirit of wine, and forty drops given for a dose.

The bark macerated in water has of late been much employed in France as a topical application to the skin for the purpose of excoriating and exciting a discharge.

54 examples of  macerated  in sentences