459 examples of made way in sentences

I made way for him to kneel by his wife's side.

As he moved along the deck of the Bucentaur, the senators made way, as if pestilence was in his path, though it was quite apparent, by the expression of their faces, that it was in obedience to a feeling of a mixed character.

" He jumped from the wagon and plunged into the crowd, which respectfully made way for him.

The crowd made way for the mob which carried the torches, and which were singing.

Pork can be got in the houses, and they have made way with a deer already, that I had expected the pleasure of dissecting myself.

The people pressed back and made way for him as he passed up the aisle holding the drooping body very tenderly, looking down at times with great compassion into the white face that lay against his breast; and the eyes that watched his sturdy back until it disappeared from view were wet with sympathetic tears.

They made way for Cordova and looked with curiosity at Griggs, who was a well-known man of letters.

Switherd first acquired the crown, by the concession of the Mercian princes, and his death made way for Sigeric, who ended his life in a pilgrimage to Rome.

His death made way for Sigebert, his kinsman, who governed so ill, that his people rose in an insurrection and dethroned him, crowning Cenulph in his stead.

He was murdered at Oxford by two of his chamberlains, accomplices of Edric, who thereby made way for the succession of Canute the Dane to the crown of England.

The weapons and trophies of the chase, which formerly adorned the hall of a country gentleman, have made way for family portraits.

Then they broke ranks and made way for the visitors to approach the house with their gifts of blankets or other valuables for the tyhee.

When they saw, as they thought, the old woman coming, whom they were eagerly expecting, they made way for her.

They danced for ten minutes without singing, then they began to scream, without however keeping time, and their motions became more violent and wild, until in about half an hour both strength and voice failed, they stopped quite exhausted, and made way for their sisters, who repeated the same spectacle.

This, however, either from its denseness or an unwillingness to move from the place it had gained, made way for him but slowly, in spite of his angry shouts to the people to clear a way.

The Kingston right-fielder, however, struck out and made way for Reddy.

Eftsoons, says the dreaming poet, I came to a great door, where there were guards placed to keep off the mob; but when they saw my Laurel crown, they made way for me, and let me in!

She had been in the witness-box that day, and everyone knew her, and all made way for her, moving as the blades of corn move when the wind stirs them, for her right was recognised and unquestioned.

Glossy-haired women with their baskets made way for it and the cart bumped down over the curb.

The women after lunch talked among themselves, and were deeply intent and confidential when we got back to the drawing-room after seeing the pictures; but they made way for us and were most agreeable.

'I go out by the other door,' Sir George answered promptly, and, suiting the action to the word, he turned on his heel, strode through the crowd, which subserviently made way for him, and in a twinkling he had passed through the garden door, with Mr. Fishwick, hat in hand, hurrying at his heels.

So he set out but on the road and in the market place and in the village no one salaamed to him or made way to him and when he begged no one gave him alms.

This time every one who met him on the road salaamed low to him and made way for him and every shopkeeper to whom he went gave him alms: and the people in the village who had refused before gladly made offerings to him.

I could give Instances out of all the Tragick Writers of Antiquity who have shewn their Judgment in this Particular; and purposely receded from an established Rule of the Drama, when it has made way for a much higher Beauty than the Observation of such a Rule would have been.

The prince, fearing that he might declare all the intrigues to which he had been privy, did not deliver him but secretly slew him and spread abroad the report that he had made way with himself in advance.

459 examples of  made way  in sentences