34 examples of maistre in sentences

And the Catholic De Maistre, so famed for his fair-minded criticisms, wrote of the new hymn-makers' works: "They make a certain noise in the ear, but they never breathe prayer, because their writers were all alone (i.e., unaided by the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit) when they composed them."

Even those who repudiate altogether the extreme Ultramontanism of De Maistre and De Lamennais must allow their conception to be one of the boldest and grandest which has inspired the mind of man.

One manifestation of this proceeded from the theological school, represented by the "traditionalists" Victor de Bonald (1818), Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821; St. Petersburg Soirées, 1821), and F. de Lamennais (1782-1854), who, however, after his break with the Church (Words of a Believer, 1834) developed in his Sketch of a Philosophy, 1841 seq., an ontological system after Italian and German models.


A Journey Round My Room Count Xavier de Maistre was born in October 1763 at Chambéry, in Savoy.

Being a born writer, de Maistre whiled away his time by producing a sparkling little masterpiece, which will be cherished long after the heavy, philosophical works written by his elder brother, Joseph de Maistre, have mouldered into the dust.

Being a born writer, de Maistre whiled away his time by producing a sparkling little masterpiece, which will be cherished long after the heavy, philosophical works written by his elder brother, Joseph de Maistre, have mouldered into the dust.

Amour! tu as esté mon maistre Je t'ai servi sur tous les Dieux,

They are not to be compared in wit or elaborate finish with the brilliant letters of Courier; they have not the striking originality and terse vigor of those of De Maistre, but they have the grace of simple and pure feeling, and the worth of clear, manly, high-toned thought.

De Maistre's rather grotesque conviction that infidels always die of horrible diseases with special names, could now only be held among the very dregs of the ecclesiastical world.

He had no more partiality for mob rule than De Maistre or Goethe or Mr. Carlyle.

You may take the method of the Inquisition, of the more cruel of the Puritans, of De Maistre, of Mr. Carlyle; or you may take Mr. Mill's method of cultivation.

It derives from Xavier de Maistre and St. Pierre to La Nouvelle Héloïse,nay, might one not almost say from the pays du tendre of La Princesse de Clèves itself.

Bien est Amour puissant et maistre.

Duchesne, Oeuvres de Maistre Alain Chartris, p. 861.

It would be equally logical to infer that because I have written, not without sympathy and appreciation, of Joseph de Maistre, I therefore find my model in a hero of the Catholic Reaction, and look for my methods in the revived supremacy of the Holy See over all secular and temporal authorities.

Quand vous toussez ou quand vous esternuez, si vous pouuez estre le maistre de ces efforts de nature, n'éclatez pas si hautement & si fort.

Que si l'on estoit invité chez autruy, il est plus à propos d'attendre que le Maistre ou vn autre serue, que de prendre des viandes soy-mesme, si ce n'estoit que le Maistre priast les conuiez de prendre librement, ou que l'on fust en maison familiere.

Que si l'on estoit invité chez autruy, il est plus à propos d'attendre que le Maistre ou vn autre serue, que de prendre des viandes soy-mesme, si ce n'estoit que le Maistre priast les conuiez de prendre librement, ou que l'on fust en maison familiere.

L'on se doit aussi peu ingerer à seruir les autres hors de sa maison, l'on avoir peu de pouuoir, n'étoit que le nombre des conuiez fust grand, & que le Maistre de la maison ne peust pas avoir l'oeil sur tout; Et pour lors l'on peut seruir ceux qui sont proches de soy.

le maistre du logis le veut ainsi, ne faites pas tant de resistance pour n'y point aller, que vous fachiez toute la compagnie.

He believes in and ably defends those heroes of literature so well characterized as "Prophets of the Past," Chateaubriand, De Bonald, and J. de Maistre.

"I should have left them in Paris," he told himself, as he turned out some books which were particularly insufferable: those of the Abbe Lamennais and that impervious sectarian so magisterially, so pompously dull and empty, the Comte Joseph de Maistre.

In his other book Homme, and in his brochure le Jour du Seigneur, written in a biblical style, rugged and obscure, he sought to appear like a vengeful apostle, prideful and tormented with spleen, but showed himself a deacon touched with a mystic epilepsy, or like a talented Maistre, a surly and bitter sectarian.

MAISTRE, COUNT, JOSEPH DE, a keen and extreme Ultramontanist, born at Chambéry, of a noble French family; accompanied the king of Sardinia in his retreat while the French occupied Savoy in 1792; was ambassador at St. Petersburg from 1803 to 1817, when he was recalled to the home government at Turin; wrote numerous works, the chief "Du Pape" and "Soirées de St. Petersbourg" (1753-1821).

34 examples of  maistre  in sentences