49 examples of make a joke in sentences

" Why, thought Billie, as she ignored the remark, pretending not to hear it, would Laura always be such a goose as to make a joke of the very real friendship between her and Teddy Jordon?

"You make a joke of everything.

I think he said that just so's to kind of make a joke about what he was saying, so as maybe it wouldn't seem so serious like.

A certain fatality, by the bye, had lately attended all Lancelot's efforts to shine; he never bought a new coat without tearing it mysteriously next day, or tried to make a joke without bursting out coughing in the middle . . .

If you paint a picture, or write an article, or make a joke, you are pretty sure to be a bad judge of its quality.

As he approached his homethe house of a silversmith where he lived as a boarderhe tried to collect his thoughts and make a planto return to his town and avenge himself by showing the friars that they could not with impunity insult a youth or make a joke of him.

[make a joke which is not funny] bomb, fall flat; go over like a lead balloon.

And when Klok-No-Ton arrived on the afternoon tide, Sime's defiant laugh was unabated; nor did he forbear to make a joke when the shaman tripped on the sand in the landing.

I think that you have intended to make a joke about your old women.

"Petrak's my name, sir, and they make a joke on my head by making me out 'Dago Red,' sir.

Make a joke out of it.

It'd make a joke of me and all of you boys if the word got around that one gent had laughed at us and stayed right in the Valley when we told him to get out.

It seemed to him they must choose between making a joke of it and having it make a joke of them.

It is always pleasant to see a man in great station, who, in the intercourse of society, is perfectly untrammelled by pomp and form, can make a joke and enjoy it, and is not too cautious to garnish his conversation with personalities or to season it with sarcasm.

" "Ronicky," said Bill Gregg, suddenly awake, "you've been the finest friend a man ever had, but, if you make a joke out of her, I'll wring your neck!"

"Are you trying to make a joke out of this?

But out here we don't make a joke of love, and when we care for a woman we carewell, it's not to be put in words, Miss Cullen.

We managed to make a joke of last nightbut what that push had in mind was plain murder.

He granted to Julius Paulinus twenty-five myriads because the man, who was a jester, had been led, though involuntarily, to make a joke upon him.

"I was only going to say," said Mrs. Jimmie, "don't make a joke of every" "Well, if you don't want me to go there, I'll trade places with the scribe and put her with the lady who is generally represented reclining on the ground in a blue dress improving her mind by reading.

Miller could not make a joke or understand one when anybody else made it.

Brandon thought John would find it beneath his dignity to make a joke of this breach of discipline.

This is the house where the culture of Boston seems no fad to make a joke about, but a rare and delicate reality.

There was a reserve to bring that glow, for the child knew that if she durst say that Charles called her his little sweetheart and wife, and that the walnut-shell purse would be kept as a token, she should be laughed at as a silly child, perhaps forbidden to make it, or else her uncle might hear and make a joke of it.

"You will pardon your poor jester," he said, "if he fails to make a joke on your last night.

49 examples of  make a joke  in sentences