101 examples of mala in sentences

You have heard what the devil can do of himself, now you shall hear what he can perform by his instruments, who are many times worse (if it be possible) than he himself, and to satisfy their revenge and lust cause more mischief, Multa enim mala non egisset daemon, nisi provocatus a sagis, as Erastus thinks; much harm had never been done, had he not been provoked by witches to it.

In what humour constant Socrates did thus, I know not, or how he might be affected, but this would be pernicious to another man; what intricate business might so really possess him, I cannot easily guess; but this is otiosum otium, it is far otherwise with these men, according to Seneca, Omnia nobis mala solitudo persuadet; this solitude undoeth us, pugnat cum vita sociali; 'tis a destructive solitariness.

Ridentur mala componunt carmina, verum gaudent scribentes, et se venerantur, et ultra.

Alii timore mortis timentur et mala gratia principum putant se aliquid commisisse et ad supplicium requiri.

Mala a sanguine fervente, deterior a bile assata, pessima ab atra bile putrefacta. 2725.

Pyra quae grato sunt sapore, cocta mala, poma tosta, et saccliaro, vel anisi semine conspersa, utiliter statim a prandio vel a caena sumi possunt, eo quod ventriculum roborent et vapores caput petentes reprimant.

Punica mala aurantia commode permittuntur modo non sint austera et acida. 2924.

Cuncta mala corporis ab animo procedunt, quae nisi curentur, corpus curari minime potest, Charmid. 3404.

mala valetudo aucta et contracta est tristitia, ac proptera exhilaratione animi removenda.

Si omnes homines sua mala suasque curas in unum cumulum conferrent, aequis divisuri portionibus, &c. 3580.

Quod unusquisque propria mala novit, aliorum nesciat, in causa est, ut se inter alios miserum putet.

Vir fortis mala fortuna compositus.

Deus optimum quemque aut mala valetudine aut luctu afficit.

Turpium deliciarum comes est externa saltatio; neque certe facile dictu quae mala hinc visus hauriat, et quae pariat, colloquia, monstrosus, inconditos gestus, &c. 5144.

Dum rapiunt mala fata bonos, ignoscite fasso, Sollicitor nullos esse putare deos.

Pro peccatis veniam poscere, et mala de novo iterare.

Caecilius Minutio, Omnia ista figmenta mala sanae religionis, et inepta solatia a poetis inventa, vel ab aliis ob commodum, superstitiosa misteria, &c. 6787.

Eso dicen los señores de la ciudad, porque á ellos no les molestan; y fundados en que todo es puro cuento, echaron á presidio á algunos infelices que nos hicieron un bien de caridad á la gente del Somontano, despeñando á esa mala mujer.

Desde el día, que yo siempre tendré por funesto, en que llegásteis á la fuente de los Álamos en pos de la res herida, diríase que una mala bruja

He says,"Mors dolorum omnium solutio est et finis, ultra quam mala nostra non exeunt, quae nos in illam tranquillitatem, in qua antequam nasceremur jacuimus, reponit.

Quænam perversi rabies tam crebra cerebri, Dum mala formides, nec bona posse pati?

I sat and smoked and sipped slowly for several minutes, cursing him inwardly more for his presence than for his evident look of the "mala vita."

nugæ seria ducunt In mala ...' Hor.

They called this place Bahia de Mala Prelea, or the Bay of Evil Battle, on account of the misfortune they had here encountered.

We gave this bay the name of de Mala Prelea, or of the unlucky fight.

101 examples of  mala  in sentences