83 examples of malarial in sentences

But there are others who maintain that it is a malarial manifestation only, and that the big dose of quinine, which seems to some to precipitate the attack, is only a coincidence.

That evening he was on my hands, fortunately soon to recover, and to win a prolonged convalescent leave out of this rain to the sunny and non-malarial slopes of Wynberg.

Since we have made the great discovery that malaria, which weighs upon so many parts in Italy, is dependent for its transmission on a certain mosquito, we have acquired the control of malarial therapeutics and are enabled to protect individuals and families effectively against malaria.

But aside from this function of protecting people, there must be a social prevention, and since those malarial insects can live only in swampy districts, it is necessary to bring to those unreclaimed lands the blessing of the hoe and plow, in order to remove the cause and do away with the effects.

A man, he holds, who is to suffer all his life from malarial fever has done his bit no less than plenty who bear the honourable insignia of the wounded in battle and the snout of a mosquito may be as valorously encountered as the bayonet of a Hun.

The later years of the century have witnessed the demonstration of the fly's agency in the transmission of malignant pustule and typhoid fever, and that of certain mosquitoes in the conveyance of yellow fever and malarial disease.

The mosquito does not originate the malarial infection; it simply serves as the temporary host of the micro-organism (Plasmodium malarioe) which is the cause of the disease, having obtained its transient "guest" from some human being.

Consequently, marshy districts that are full of mosquitoes are not malarious unless the mosquitoes are of the kinds capable of lodging the plasmodium, and unless there is or has recently been present in the neighborhood some person affected with malarial disease.

How should we be handicapped if we still had to fight malarial disease with the crude Peruvian bark instead of its chief alkaloid, quinine!

When I drank one, I not only quenched my thirst, but felt that I had taken an infallible prophylactic against the malarial fever.

Whilst dallying with his former mistress, the Cardinal fell ill of malarial fever, common in the swampy plain of Garigliano, where he had gone shooting snipe.

Furthermore a tract of pine forest was bought to afford summer quarters for the negro children, who did not thrive on the malarial plantation, and to provide a place of isolation for cholera cases.


I shall be pardoned also, I hope, for having employed the terms "malaria" and "malarial districts" in place of the more commonly used expressions "paludal miasm" (miasme paludeen) and "marshy regions" (contrées marécageuses).

Among these organisms they studied especially the hyphomycetes, which had already acquired so great an importance in dermatology; and their entire attention was concentrated upon the aquatic algae, without even taking the precaution to determine whether the varieties which they thought to be malarial were found in all malarious swamps, or whether they were capable of living within the human organism.

We felt ourselves justified in recognizing the malarial ferment in the schizomycete bacillus.

Marchiafava and Celli have succeeded in demonstrating that the germs of this schizomycete attack directly the red blood-globules, and destroy them, causing them to undergo a series of very characteristic changes which admit of easy verification, and which render certain the existence of a malarial infection.

Among the conditions favorable to the multiplication of the malarial ferment contained in the soil, and to its dispersion through the superjacent atmosphere, there are three which are absolutely essential, and the concurrence of which is indispensable for the production of bad air (malaria).

Nature also sometimes renders a district healthy in a manner purely atmospheric, by covering a malarious soil with earth which does not contain the malarial ferment, or with a matting formed of earth and the roots of grasses growing closely together in a natural meadow.

In the attempts of purification by suspending the malarial action, which have been devised by man, the same thing has been done; that is to say, it has been sought, to eliminate at least one of the three conditions essential to the development of the specific ferment contained in the infected soil.

It has often been thought that a suspension of malarial production would be better assured by suppressing at the same time the humidity of the soil and the direct action of the oxygen of the air upon the superficial strata of earth which contain the ferment.

A complete atmospheric purification is nevertheless the most stable of all the methods of obtaining a suspension of malarial production, but unfortunately its realization is very limited, for it is restricted to inhabited localities and to sodded surfaces.

At other times, on the contrary, it persists obstinately, and one is often forced in desperation to the resolve to level the ground again and to varnish it, so to speak, with a thick sowing of grass, if he wishes to suspend or weaken the malarial production.

It is well known that in Italy, Greece, and North Africa, they often use lemon juice or a decoction of lemon seeds, as a remedy in malarial fevers of moderate intensity; and in Guadaloupe they use for the same purpose a decoction of the bark of the roots of the lemon tree.

If we wish to make progress in this question of rendering malarious countries healthy, we must always hold before our eyes a double objectto find a means of prophylaxis which may be accessible to everybody; and, at the same time, to find a means equally within everybody's reach, to overcome chronic malarial poisoning and its evil consequences.

83 examples of  malarial  in sentences