623 examples of mammy in sentences

"I's heah, Mammy," he stammered uncertainly.

"I's come back, Mammy.

she ejaculated, "didn' you bow yo' haid while yo' mammy ast de grace?" Peter was a little confused at his remissness.

" "She cooks for us," explained young Arkwright, "and Mammy wants her to come and git supper, too.

The greeting is not of the exuberant character expected, and frequently the heart of the newcomer is broken by being told to go back to his mammy and spend a few years more in the nursery.

"His mammy got er letter f'm 'im las' week; he 's livin' in de town er Groveland now.

Susan Dale Sanders: The following is a story of Mrs. Susan Dale Sanders, #1 Dupree Alley, between Breckinridge and Lampton Sts., Louisville, an old Negro Slave mammy, and of her life, as she related it.

My Mammy, was raised from a baby by her master, Rueben Dale.

He was a good ole Master, and was alway's good to my Mammy.

Our ole master Dale that raised my Mammy and her family never was hard or mean like that.

We lived in a log cabin on a farm and worked for a farmer in the fields while my mammy worked in the house for the white folks.

" "My Mammy bound me out to Miss Puss Graham ter learn ter work, foh my vittals en cloes.

"I heard my Mammy talk of "De Nigger Risin".

" "My Mammy sho did hev a big wedding my Pappys Massa ask my Mammy Massa foh her en den my Mammy Massa give her a big infair dat cost him $200.00 wid de bridal supper en all.

"Well the gals Mammy thought hit war jes peculiar dat, dat happened wen she war er looking at the parade.

My Mammy always wore and ole petticoat full gather at de waist band wid long pockets in dem and den to keep peace in de house she would turn de pocket wrong side out jes as she would go to somebodys elses house.

" I felt sorry fuh Mistuh Adam, an' I felt like puttin' in, 'Cause I knows mo' dan dey do, all 'bout whut made Adam sin: Adam nevuh had no Mammy, fuh to take him on her knee An' teach him right fum wrong an' show him Things he ought to see.

Jes s'pose he'd had a Mammy when dat temptin' did begin An' she'd a come an' tole him "Son, don' eat datdat's a sin.

" But, Adam nevuh had no Mammy fuh to take him on her knee An' teach him right fum wrong an' show him Things he ought to see.

My stepfather was Stephen Anderson, an my mammy's name was Dorcas.

He come fum Vajinny, but my mammy was borned an raised in Wilmington.

I done de cookin, mosly, an helped my mammy spin.

"I doan recleck ever seein my mammy wear shoes.

"When we livin at Titusville, I see my old mammy comin up de road jus as plain as day.

I begin to cry an tell de folks I ain't gonna see my mammy agin.

623 examples of  mammy  in sentences