140 examples of manacles in sentences

So speaking, Beda the Jester cut asunder the chain that bound the fetters, and Beltane arose and stretched himself and the manacles gleamed on each wide-sundered wrist.

And while he slept came the three, very silent and treading very soft, to look down upon his sleeping face and the manacles that gleamed upon his wrists; and behold, even as he slept, he groaned and writhed, his tender lips grown fierce, a relentless, down-curving linehis jaws grim set, and between his frowning brows a lock of silky hair that gleamed snow-white among the yellow.

In every cry of every man, In every infant's cry of fear, In every voice, in every ban, The mind-forged manacles I hear.

As we were walking through a meadow full of flowers, we met the guardians of the isle, who, immediately chaining us with manacles of roses, for these are their only fetters, conducted us to their king.

Relying upon the manacles, the quartermaster had taken his hands for a moment off Craddock's arm.

There was the turnkey's belt lying on the floor, with the keys and manacles fixed to it, just as it had failed and come off him at the fatal moment.

why should free nature be entrenched on, confined or obliged, to this or that man or woman, with these manacles of body and goods?

Link by link the chains were forged and the manacles welded on, and before the European War broke out in 1914, the incarceration of Turkey in Germany was complete, and Wilhelm II. had a fine revenge for the snub inflicted on him by Abdul Hamid when he proposed the scheme of German colonisation in the lands depopulated by the Armenian massacres of 1895.

The capital itself is but a great slave-mart, with its baracoons and manacles, its handcuffs and auction-stands!

In mad game They burst their manacles and wear the name Of Freedom, graven on a heavier chain!

While the manacles were being put on their hands, my convict saw me for the first time.

Some of the advertisements of this class identify the fugitive slave by the scars, which the whip, or the manacles and fetters, or the rifle had made on his person.

"Why that a pair of manacles, or a stone doublet would probably have been of some service to that author's infirmity.

Above me there was a barred window, and, but for my manacles, I would have sprung at it and torn it with my teeth.

Under the picture, in quotation marks, were the words, as if spoken by Mr. Lincoln: "Prohibition is slavery; I will cut the manacles from your hands."

And for the first time since her widowhood she felt that she had been living her life out along lines that lay closer to solitude than to the happy freedom of which she had reluctantly dreamed locked in the manacles of a loveless marriage.

We seem to have new faculties, or a new exercise for our faculties, by this addition to our knowledge; like a prisoner, who, having been accustomed to wear manacles or fetters, suddenly finds his arms and legs free.

The subject is one of solemn importance to our country, and while I do desire that every righteous means may be employed to give to America a clear and convincing view of the fearful load of guilt that rests upon her for trading in the souls of men, yet I do want the friends of emancipation to take no unhallowed weapons to sever the manacles of the slave.

" Both men eagerly offered their persons and their estates as hostages, and the duke, turning to the captain of the guard, said: "Remove the manacles from these knights.

Meanwhile the Governor had left his yamen by the fifth watch, before the day had yet broken, accompanied by an escort of about a hundred resolute men, carrying chains and manacles.

In the walls, amid voices of prayer and of triumph, I hear the clank of manacles and the ominous mutterings of bondsmen!

The captives of Israel now are hewers of wood and carriers of water; but the time will come when the hands that now wear the manacles of servitude shall be comely with rows of jewels.

" "If no daughter of Judah," replied Tamar, "wears heavier manacles than I do, dear father, they may bear them with light hearts;" and, as she passed quickly by her adopted father, she snatched his hand and kissed it, and soon she disappeared beyond the boundary of the glen.

That in this God 'we have our being,' in so far as somewhat of ours may escape, at moments, from the bonds of Time and the manacles of Space, the earlier part of this treatise is intended to suggest, as a thing by no means necessarily beyond a reasonable man's power to conceive.

Incensed at his perversity, and determined to extort a full confession, in order that it might be laid before the King, the serjeant-at-arms ordered the manacles to be applied.

140 examples of  manacles  in sentences