32 examples of mandat in sentences

Murder of Mandat.

It seemed fortunate, too, that the command of the National Guard for the day fell by rotation to an officer named Mandat, a man of high professional skill, intrepid courage, and unshaken in his zeal for the royal cause, though in former days the constitutionalists had reckoned him among their adherents.

They were nearly destitute of ammunition, and Mandat's most vehement entreaties and remonstrances could not wring out from Pétion an order for a supply of cartridges, though, as he told him, several companies had not four rounds left, some had only one; and though it was notorious that the police had served out ammunition to the Marseillese, who had no claim to a single bullet.

The authority which Mandat had wrung from him on the previous morning was, in their eyes, a proof of unpardonable weakness.

Had he acted on his own judgment, Mandat would have disregarded the summons; but M. Roederer urged upon him that he was bound to comply with an order brought in the name of the mayor.

The Municipal Council sent down a deputation to remonstrate with them; they rose on the Council and expelled them from their own council-chamber by main force, and then sent off Mandat to prison, whither, a few minutes later, they dispatched a gang of assassins to murder him.

For instance, he says (p. 268, note 2) that Mandat left the Tuileries a little after five, while Madame de Campan says it was four o'clock when the queen told her he had been murdered.

"À quatre heures la reine sortit de la chambre du roi, et vint nous dire qu'elle n'espérait plus rien; que M. Mandat venait d'être assassiné.

Mailly, Marshal de. Maine, Duke de. Malesherbes, M. Malouet, M. Mandat, M.; assassination of.

Murder of Mandat; of the Princess de Lamballe.

| sea and] Which is the Mightier, in his lawlesse fit [Footnote A: Here in the Quarto: [10]Ther's letters seald, and my two Schoolefellowes, Whom I will trust as I will Adders fang'd, They beare the mandat, they must sweep my way And marshall me to knauery: let it worke, For tis the sport to haue the enginer Hoist with his owne petar, an't shall goe hard

Or do you suppose that the Red Republicans, when they advocated the nomination of a Ministry of the House of Assembly with a revocable mandat, intended to create a Frankenstein endowed with powers in some cases paramount to, and in others running parallel with, the authority of the omnipotent body to which it owed its existence?

They had brought thither the Swiss guard, fifteen hundred strong; the palace was full of Royalist gentlemen; Mandat, who commanded the National Guard, had been gained over.

On the night of August 9, Mandat was murdered, an insurrectional committee seized the City Hall, and when Louis XVI came forth to review the troops on the morning of the 10th of August, they shouted, "Vive la Nation" and deserted.

Mentiri nescio: librum, Si malus est, nequeo laudare et poscere: [i] Ferre ad nuptam, quae mittit adulter, Quae mandat, norunt alii; me nemo ministro Fur erit, atque ideo nulli comes exeo,

Lexicon ad finem longo luctamine tandem Scaliger ut duxit, tenuis pertaesus opellae, Vile indignatus studium, nugasque molestas Ingemit exosus, scribendaque lexica mandat Damnatis, poenam pro poenis omnibus unam.

REPRÉSENTANT, m., celui qui a mandat de représenter une autre personne.

The eloquence of a discontented orator is here silenced, not by a pension, but by a mandat d'arret; and the obstinate patriotism, which with you could not be softened with less than a participation of authority, is more cheaply secured by the Guillotine.

There were moments when an application for a passport was certain of being followed by a mandat d'arret(a writ of arrest).

Every person I meet seems to have contracted a sort of revolutionary aspect: many walk with their heads down, and with half-shut eyes measure the whole length of a street, as though they were still intent on avoiding greetings from the suspicious; some look grave and sorrow-worn; some apprehensive, as if in hourly expectation of a mandat d'arret; and others absolutely ferocious, from a habit of affecting the barbarity of the times.

The theatres swarm with spies, and to censure a revolutionary piece, however detestable even as a composition, is dangerous, and few have courage to be the critics of an author who is patronized by the superintendants of the guillotine, or who may retaliate a comment on his poetry by the significant prose of a mandat d'arret.

The eloquence of a discontented orator is here silenced, not by a pension, but by a mandat d'arret; and the obstinate patriotism, which with you could not be softened with less than a participation of authority, is more cheaply secured by the Guillotine.

There were moments when an application for a passport was certain of being followed by a mandat d'arret(a writ of arrest).

Every person I meet seems to have contracted a sort of revolutionary aspect: many walk with their heads down, and with half-shut eyes measure the whole length of a street, as though they were still intent on avoiding greetings from the suspicious; some look grave and sorrow-worn; some apprehensive, as if in hourly expectation of a mandat d'arret; and others absolutely ferocious, from a habit of affecting the barbarity of the times.

The theatres swarm with spies, and to censure a revolutionary piece, however detestable even as a composition, is dangerous, and few have courage to be the critics of an author who is patronized by the superintendants of the guillotine, or who may retaliate a comment on his poetry by the significant prose of a mandat d'arret.

32 examples of  mandat  in sentences