31 examples of manette in sentences

" "Dr. Manette," said Mr. Lorry, looking steadfastly at him, "do you remember nothing of me?

In the dimly-lighted passages of the Old Bailey, Dr. Manette, his daughter, and Mr. Lorry stood by Mr. Charles Darnayjust acquitted on a charge of high treasoncongratulating him on his escape from death.

It was not difficult to recognise in Dr. Manette, intellectual of face and upright in bearing, the shoemaker of the garret in Paris.

Darnay kissed Lucie Manette's hand fervently and gratefully, and warmly thanked his counsel, Mr. Stryver.

" "Miss Manette, then!" Carton drank the toast, and flung his glass over his shoulder against the wall, where it shivered in pieces.

III.The Loadstone Rock "Dear Dr. Manette," said Charles Darnay, "I love your daughter fondly, devotedly.

If ever there were love in the world, I love her!" Dr. Manette turned towards him in his chair, but did not look at him or raise his eyes.

Oh, Miss Manette, think now and then that there is a man who would give his life to keep a life you love beside you!"

A wonderful corner for echoes was the quiet street-corner near Soho Square, where Dr. Manette lived with his daughter and her husband.

He had told his secret to Dr. Manette on the wedding morning, and to none other.

By him sat Dr. Manette; Lucie and her child were in an inner room.

Dr. Manette knew that as a Bastille prisoner he bore a charmed life in revolutionary France, and that if Darnay was in danger he could help him.

Dr. Manette hastened out of the room, and down into the courtyard.

" "Alexandre Manette, physician.

" "Citizen Manette, be silent!

In a hole in the chimney he had found a paper in the handwriting of Dr. Manette. "Let it be read," said the president.

In this paper Dr. Manette had written the history of his imprisonment.

It was Dr. Manette.

"Alexandre Manette, Lucie Manette, her child.

"Alexandre Manette, Lucie Manette, her child.

R58554, 14Feb50, Manette L. Jewell (W) MOTHER (I feel your arms around me, dear), a poem by L. Stewart Barr.

His mother, Manette Le Compt, then a young girl, was one of the bridesmaids of the kidnaped bride.")

Celeste Barbeau would call across the hedge to my mother, "Manette, will Monsieur Le Compt play for us again to-night?"

"Gra'mère, Manette is sleepy," Celeste would say, when my mother was with her.

They all declared they would do anything for him, and he then told them he had privately sent word about it by Manette to Celeste; and Celeste was willing to have it or any plan attempted which would prevent the wedding.

31 examples of  manette  in sentences