50 examples of manikins in sentences

STEVE GRISWOLD, DAN KETCHAM and a few other manikins, was dressed accordin' to the prevailin' fashions of the feminin sects.

People were assembling for supper, and passing to and fro under low-hanging branches; and the gaily-colored gowns of the women glimmered through a faint blue haze like that with which Boucher and Watteau and Fragonard loved to veil, and thereby to make wistful, somehow, the antics of those fine parroquet-like manikins who figure in their fêtes galantes.

There is no bearing the drivelling idiotism of the manikin.

There is no bearing the drivelling idiotism of the manikin.' '"Who killed John Keats?" "I," says the Quarterly, So savage and Tartarly; "'Twas one of my feats.

There before her eyes a man contended with a manikin.

The former class embraces equally those institutions in which the sovereign is worshipped as a god, and those in which he performs the humble office of a manikin.

The Use of the Skeleton and Manikin.

To this intent, schools of a higher grade should be provided both with a skeleton and a manikin.

A good manikin is also equally serviceable, although not so commonly provided for schools on account of its cost.

Man or Manikin.

Quite distinctly I counted three manikins who instantly fell down flat and two others who went ahead a little way deliberately, and then lay down.

On the other hand, one has heard of playwrights whose first step in setting to work upon a particular act was to construct a complete model of the scene, and people it with manikins to represent the characters.

" "A dwarf, do you mean?" "No, not precisely; the boys call him a manikin, for he's not deformed; only very, very small; not above four feet high.

I saw him exchange a bit of paper with yonder manikin fiddler, who has been under suspicion for some weeks, and cleverly they did it, too.

She glanced eagerly toward the upper end of the room; no, the manikin fiddler had disappeared.

The discovery, to the traveller returning from the East, robs the most romantic scenes of western Europe of half their charm: in the Piazza of San Marco, in the market-place of Siena, where at least the robes of the Procurators or the gay tights of Pinturicchio's striplings once justified man's presence among his works, one can see, at first, only the outrage inflicted on beauty by the "plentiful strutting manikins" of the modern world.

On the spot where they lived and acted, the Caesars change from the manikins of books to living men; and Virgil, Horace, and Cicero grow to be realities, as we walk down the Sacred Way and over the very pavement they may once have trod.

"They all look just alikeso many manikins on parade.

[Footnote 5: Swift uses his reducing imagination even on the time, perceiving that it would not seem natural for his tiny manikins to have as long lives as the "man mountain" on which they gazed with such wonder.

" Kromitzki squeezed my hand with effusion, and his shoulders moved exactly like those of a wooden manikin.

"How could that woman have married such a manikin?" is a question one often hears.

Probably that manikin was the first masculine being who ever showed her any attentions.

On the long undulating neck the head resembled one of the grotesque manikins carried in circus parades.

A willow manikin was made, representing Moini Loungga sufficiently well, perhaps advantageously, and in it they shut up the remains the combustion had spared.

Yes, andif, but I lacked that plaguey virtueI would advise you to go a-gypsying with that nameless somebody, so that two manikins might snatch their little share of the big things that are eternal, just as the butterfly fares intrepidly and joyously, with the sun for his torch-boy, through a universe wherein thought cannot estimate the unimportance of a butterfly, and wherein not even the chaste moon is very important.

50 examples of  manikins  in sentences