31 examples of mannes in sentences

And in the same maner as the men gon, the wommen gon; so that no man may unethe knowe the men fro the wommen, saf only tho wommen, that ben maryed, that beren the tokne upon hire hedes of a mannes foot, in signe that thei ben undre mannes fote and undre subieccioun of man.

And in the same maner as the men gon, the wommen gon; so that no man may unethe knowe the men fro the wommen, saf only tho wommen, that ben maryed, that beren the tokne upon hire hedes of a mannes foot, in signe that thei ben undre mannes fote and undre subieccioun of man.

For I tolde hem, that in oure contree weren trees, that beren a fruyt, that becomen briddes fleeynge: and tho that fellen in the water, lyven; and thei that fallen on the erthe, dyen anon: and thei ben right gode to mannes mete.

And alle be it that it have no watre, zit men fynden there in and on the bankes, fulle gode fissche of other maner of kynde and schappe, thanne men fynden in ony other see; and thei ben of right goode tast, and delycious to mannes mete.

And thei eten more gladly mannes flessche, thanne ony other flesche.

And there ben note trees, that beren notes, als grete as a mannes hed. There also ben many bestes, that ben clept orafles.

Till the seventeenth century, the possessive case was written without the apostrophe; being formed at different times, in es, is, ys, or s, like the plural; and apparently without rule or uniformity in respect to the doubling of the final consonant: as Goddes, Godes, Godis, Godys, or Gods, for God's; so mannes, mannis, mannys or mans, for man's.

MANNES, CLARA, joint author.

SEE Untermeyer, Louis. MANNES, DAVID, joint author.

UNTERMEYER, LOUIS. New songs for new voices, by Louis Untermeyer, Clara Mannes, and David Mannes.

UNTERMEYER, LOUIS. New songs for new voices, by Louis Untermeyer, Clara Mannes, and David Mannes.

Louis Untermeyer, Clara Mannes & David Mannes (A); 11Sep56; R176539.

Louis Untermeyer, Clara Mannes & David Mannes (A); 11Sep56; R176539.

Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug68; R442587. MANNES, MARYA.

Marya Mannes (A); 4Dec68; R450151.

MANNES, CLARA, joint author.

SEE Untermeyer, Louis. MANNES, DAVID, joint author.

UNTERMEYER, LOUIS. New songs for new voices, by Louis Untermeyer, Clara Mannes, and David Mannes.

UNTERMEYER, LOUIS. New songs for new voices, by Louis Untermeyer, Clara Mannes, and David Mannes.

Louis Untermeyer, Clara Mannes & David Mannes (A); 11Sep56; R176539.

Louis Untermeyer, Clara Mannes & David Mannes (A); 11Sep56; R176539.

Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug68; R442587. MANNES, MARYA.

Marya Mannes (A); 4Dec68; R450151.

"O Lord," she said, "Jesus Christ, That sinful mannes bedes, Underfong this present, And help this seli innocent!

So at thirty yeres man is in chief lyking, Pleasaunt and lustie to every mannes sygth, (4)

31 examples of  mannes  in sentences