597 examples of manured in sentences

It has to be manured by the brains of fools before it is of any use.

The maize and other grain were sown in the fields that had been richly manured with fish, to ensure an abundant crop;[*] and the laborers returned in a body to the village, led by their venerable and respected President; but no sooner had Carver re-entered his dwelling than he swooned away and never recovered his consciousness.

Everyone of them has been planted and carefully watered for years and manured annually with fresh foliage of forest trees buried in a moat round the root.

The soil is then ploughed and manured, the former operation being generally carried on by means of bullocks.

Here and there he stops to dig with an iron tool, and finds good mould, or peaty soil, manured with the rotted wood and fallen leaves of a thousand years.

Isak mowed his bits of meadow; there was little grass on them for all he had manured them well that spring.

Pepper plantations are always to be found near a plantation of the gambir plant, as the former are always manured with the boiled leaves of the latter.

The royal husbandman appear'd, And plough'd, and sow'd, and till'd; The thorns he rooted out, the rubbish clear'd, And bless'd the obedient field: When straight a double harvest rose; Such as the swarthy Indian mows; Or happier climates near the line, Or Paradise manured and dress'd by hands divine.

The fields were elaborately ditched, well manured, and excellently tended.

Another unfailing visiter is the market-gardener, on his way to deposit before the Covent Garden piazza such a pyramid of cabbages as might well have been manured in the soil with Master Jack's justly celebrated bean-stalk.

Mark gave each of them a dressing with the hoe, and manured all with a sufficient quantity of the guano.

Like Janus he the stubborn soil manured, With rules of husbandry the rankness cured; Tamed us to manners, when the stage was rude; And boisterous English wit with art endued.

He manured it well, because he kept cattle and sheep, especially the latter, to the fullest capacity of his acreage; and because, as said before, he could and did afford to let land lie fallow when necessary.

The soil of the garden, long manured and dug, is twice as fertile as when he first disturbed the earth.

Land that has been well manured for the previous crop is the best on which to obtain well-shaped roots of high quality.

As soon as the plants have made four or five leaves, transplant into soil that has been liberally manured and trenched, or dug deeply, placing them 18 in.

The soil that suits them best is a deeply-manured, stiff loam.

To grow them to perfection the ground should be highly manured, and the roots divided every year, planting them out 6 in.

Sow early in February on a slight hotbed, and prick out into a well-manured and warm border, having the soil broken down fine on the surface.

CANDIDUM (the Madonna, or White Garden Lily) should be planted before the middle of October, if possible, in groups of three, in well-drained, highly-manured loam.

Ground intended for Potatoes should be dug deeply in the autumn, thoroughly drained, well manured and trenched, and left rough on the surface during the winter.

They are readily grown from seed sown early in spring, and will grow in any garden soil, but naturally succeed best in deeply-worked, well-manured ground.

apart, in well-manured soil.

Towards the end of May remove them to a cold frame to harden off, and plant out as soon as fear of frost is over, in deeply-dug and moderately manured ground, against a south wall fully exposed to the sun.

They were planted in a light, sandy, well manured soil in a position exposed to full sunshine.

597 examples of  manured  in sentences