39 examples of marchers in sentences

Bottle after bottle, was passed down the line, and as it gurgled down the throats of these enthusiastic marchers they smacked their lips with as much gusto as did Rip Van Winkle when partaking of the soporific potation that produced his twenty years' sleep.

The sections were detailed and section marchers to be appointed.

Though Roger Mortimer, Hamond L'Estrange, and other powerful marchers of Wales, had been obliged to leave the kingdom, their authority still remained over the territories subjected to their jurisdiction; and there were many others who were disposed to give disturbance to the new government.

There is the 57th of the line, which has been named "The Terrible," and there is the 7th Light Infantry, who come from the Pyrenees, and who are well known to be the best marchers and the greatest rascals in the army.

Behind the marchers came other old vehicles, a sorry procession.

Company G of the National Guard and a gang of broad-cloth hoodlums disguised as "Elks" made up the main body of the marchers.

The marchers were unduly silent and those who knew nothing of the lawless plan of the secret committee felt somehow that something must be wrong.

Was it on the one side a deliberately planned murderous attack upon innocent marchers, or was it on the other side a deliberately planned wicked attack upon the I.W.W., which they merely resisted?

It is true that the marchers were fired upon; that shots were fired by some of these defendants; but why were the shots fired?

Even if the court will not allow you to read the handbill issued by the I.W.W., asking protection from the citizens of Centralia have you any doubt that the I.W.W. had reason to fear an attack from Warren Grimm and his fellow marchers?

Out of the narrow streets the marchers issued; and as they reached the broader space before the town hall each company would raise a song, beating with its heavy boots on the paving stones to mark the time.

\ pour l'artillerie? Can infantry march on the / L'infanterie peut-elle marcher sides of the roads? . . . .

In this way the city emptied itself, but so slowly that the very slowness of the movement wore the marchers out.

I tried to sleep, but the rumble of artillery wagons and shouts of the marchers prevented.

Perhaps the Eternal Painter had put a little of his soul into the heart of Jack; for some busy marchers of the Avenue trail as they glanced at him saw the free desert and heard hoof-beats in the sand.

They both were Lords Marchers, whose lands lay on the borders of Wales, and probably accompanied the King in this expedition.]

The Turks, good marchers but poor runners, stood no earthly chance in this terrible race, and by scores and hundreds were bayoneted or seized and dragged back as prisoners.

Out from the Square issued a valiant double line of marchers, men and women, their voices raised in the Internationale.

Followed some cyclists, keeping pace with the marchers.

Si elle est dans vne charge releuée, gardez bien de marcher d'vn pas tout à fait égal; mais suiuez tant soit pen derriere, auec tant de iustesse pourtant & de moderatiõ, qu'elle vous puisse bien parler sans s'incõmoder.

Ce n'est pas une bête en son gîte éveillée, Ce n'est pas un fantôme éclos sous la feuillée, Ce n'est pas un morceau de l'ombre du rocher Qu'on voit -bas au fond des clairières marcher; C'est un vivant qui n'est ni stryge ni lémure; Celui qui marche , couvert d'une âpre armure, C'est le grand chevalier d'Alsace, Éviradnus.

Et je la regardais, et je crois qu'un rocher Se fût attendri rien qu'en la voyant marcher.

Sa vie intérieure était un incendie, Flamme au gré du pilote apaisée ou grandie; Dans l'antre d'où sortait son vaste mouvement, Au fond d'une fournaise on voyait vaguement Des êtres ténébreux marcher dans des nuées D'étincelles, parmi les braises remuées; Et pour âme il avait dans sa cale un enfer.

Jadis des quatre vents la fureur triomphait; De ces quatre chevaux échappés l'homme a fait L'attelage de son quadrige; Génie, il les tient tous dans sa main, fier cocher Du char aérien que l'éther voit marcher; Miracle, il gouverne un prodige.

The Marchers were, of course, mainly of English descent; and one notes that the Irish are frankly termed the Enemy.

39 examples of  marchers  in sentences