94 examples of marker in sentences

Using the forefinger of his right hand as a marker, he counted under his breath, "one" on his left thumb, then after a frowning interval, "two" on his left forefinger, "three" on the middle digit, and so on, giving time for thought to each number, until he had exhausted the fingers of his left hand and was ready to start on the right.

A little Chinese imp in white, who acted as marker, turned on the new-comers a face of preternatural cunning.

Away bounded the boy marker like a tennis-ball.

The Marker was not court-martialled for spreading alarm and despondency in His Majesty's forces; but (b) The quality of mercy was fearfully strained.

After three or four days of strenuous rowing up and down the eighteen miles of the lake's length, and back and forth across the seventeen miles of its width, I never succeeded in wetting Watkins's first marker!

Possibly if we had come in the rainy season we might at least have wet one marker, but at the time of our visit (November, 1911), the lake had a maximum depth of 4 1/2 feet.

Our billiard-marker, too, a high-caste Brahmin who had served on our side in the Afghan campaigns of 1839-42 in the capacity of a spy, a man of cunning and intelligence, warned us in unmistakable terms of the increasing disaffection among the sepoys of Ferozepore, and stated his opinion that the spirit of mutiny was rife among them.

He wanted to find the passage where he had last evening placed a strip of morocco leather by way of a marker, but he lit upon another place.

I happen to know where your marker is in the Ancient History.

I have known people who have resided in France for years and never once had occasion to ask a billiard-marker if he would "Envoyer-nous des crachoirs."

Mickey's marker.

SEE Harbour, J. L. Mickey's marker.

Mickey's marker.

There were no compasses in those days, but the course-marker had an instrument which he would set in a proper direction by means of the stars, and then he could march by it all day.

The Prince was questioned, but he did not know; and neither did the course-marker, nor the map-maker.

Course-marker, can you tell us the direction in which we should go?" "Not until to-night, your Highness," answered the course-marker, "when I can set my instrument by the stars.

Course-marker, can you tell us the direction in which we should go?" "Not until to-night, your Highness," answered the course-marker, "when I can set my instrument by the stars.

Then they were more tired, thirsty, and hungry than before; and, to add to their miseries, when night came on the sky was cloudy, and the course-marker could not set his instrument by the stars.

" The Prince, his courtiers, the boys and girls, the course-marker, and the map-maker worked industriously for several days at the foundation of their city.

The course-marker had not been informed the night before that they were

She's a marker for all I've got, is Mattie.

The time we voted the bonds won't be a marker to this election.

Special three-quarter Vellum, Oxford side-papers, gilt tops, silk marker, 5/- net.

Three-quarter vellum, Oxford side-papers, gilt tops, silk marker, 6/- net; Postage, 4d.

" A Correspondent writes:"I haven't an epitaph handy about BISMARCK, but here's one on a billiard-marker, buried, of course at Kew: "'Rem acu tetigi,' let this attest, Now he has gone away for his long rest.

94 examples of  marker  in sentences