13 examples of marrowbone in sentences

Boiled beef, either the aitchbone or the silver side of the round; carrots, turnips, suet dumplings, and potatoes: if there is a marrowbone, serve the marrow on toast at the same time.

Adv. on foot, on horseback, on Shanks's mare; by the Marrowbone stage: in transitu &c 270 [Lat.]; en route &c 282.

[Confused sounds], Babel, Dutch concert, cat's concert; marrowbones and cleavers.

requesting &c v.; precatory^; suppliant, supplicant, supplicatory; postulant; obsecratory^. importunate, clamorous, urgent; cap in hand; on one's knees, on one's bended knees, on one's marrowbones.

servile, obsequious; supple, supple as a glove; soapy, oily, pliant, cringing, abased, dough-faced, fawning, slavish, groveling, sniveling, mealy-mouthed; beggarly, sycophantic, parasitical; abject, prostrate, down on ones marrowbones; base, mean, sneaking; crouching &c v..

A golden apple sets altogether by the ears, as if a marrowbone or honeycomb were flung amongst bears: father and son, brother and sister, kinsmen are at odds: and look what malice, deadly hatred can invent, that shall be done, Terrible, dirum, pestilens, atrox, ferum, mutual injuries, desire of revenge, and how to hurt them, him and his, are all our studies.

Well, we cut up the horse, an' carried the flesh an' marrowbones into camp, takin' care to leave the hoofs an' skin behind, an' sot to work an' roasted steaks an' marrowbones.

Well, we cut up the horse, an' carried the flesh an' marrowbones into camp, takin' care to leave the hoofs an' skin behind, an' sot to work an' roasted steaks an' marrowbones.

Jist as we wos partin' I said, says I, 'D'ye know what it wos we lived on for a week arter we wos well-nigh starved in the prairies?'" "'What,' says he, 'when we got yon capital marrowbones?'

They scratch, scrape, and thump upon their instruments in such a manner, as to produce the finest marrowbone-and-cleaver kind of music imaginable.

If there be any thing that has nigh fotched this ould shiner to his marrowbones it was to see something glistening in her eyes," said the Irishman, as he wiped his own.

"Oh, no!"there was scorn in her tones"Buffalo-hump and marrowbones and vebshtulls and lemon-coffee.

MARROWBONES Have the bones cut into pieces two or three inches long; scrape and wash them very clean; spread a little thick dough on each end to keep the marrow in; then tie each bone in a piece of cloth and boil them for one hour.

13 examples of  marrowbone  in sentences