6 examples of marth in sentences

On Sept. 13th I circulated amongst the Visitors my Remarks on a Paper entitled 'On the Polar Distances of the Greenwich Transit-Circle, by A. Marth,' printed in the Astronomische Nachrichten; the Paper by Mr Marth was an elaborate attack on the Greenwich methods of observation, and my Remarks were a detailed refutation of his statements.

On Sept. 13th I circulated amongst the Visitors my Remarks on a Paper entitled 'On the Polar Distances of the Greenwich Transit-Circle, by A. Marth,' printed in the Astronomische Nachrichten; the Paper by Mr Marth was an elaborate attack on the Greenwich methods of observation, and my Remarks were a detailed refutation of his statements.

1860 Sept. 13 Remarks on a Paper entitled "On the Polar Distances of the Greenwich Transit Circle, by A. Marth."

Maiden, Prof. Malkin Malta Man-Engines (see Mines) Manuscripts (see Papers) Mars (see Planets) Marshman, pupil Marth, A. Martin, Trin.

By John W. Mitchell & Paul C. Marth.

By John W. Mitchell & Paul C. Marth.

6 examples of  marth  in sentences