1502 examples of martials in sentences

His real crime at Minden was admirably exposed by the court-martial which found him 'guilty of having disobeyed the orders of Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, whom he was by his commission bound to obey as commander-in-chief, according to the rules of war.'

A picture of the first siege of Bergen-op-Zoom hangs in the dining-room of the family seat at Greywell Hill to remind successive generations of their martial ancestors.

" Thus then, this stranger dwelt the week with Beltane in the greenwood, teaching him, day by day, tricks of sword and much martial lore beside.

I had noted even, during the short evening gatherings when the whole family was assembled, the extreme taciturnity of both sexes; and by the time I could make myself understood, I was not surprised to learn that the Martials have scarcely the idea of what we mean by conversation, not talking for the sake of talking, or speaking unless they have something to discuss, explain, or communicate.

The Martials have two forms of writing: the one I have described, which is simply a mechanical rendering of spoken words into artificially simplified visible signs; the other, written by hand, with a fine pencil of some chemical material on a prepared surface, textile or metallic.

But as regards the larger divisions of time, the Martials are placed at a great disadvantage by the absence of any such intermediate divisions as the Moon has suggested to Terrestrials.

Have you forgotten that there are such tribunals as court-martials and assizes? LXXIV.

She laughed over her martial encounter with him with weapons in her hand; she dwelt upon the delight of her feelings when he disarmed her.

The military authoritiesfor the city was under martial lawscrewed down the lid so tight that even the most rabid prohibitionists and social reformers murmured.

Though we tried to laugh away our nervousness, I am quite willing to admit that we had visions of court-martials and prison cells and firing parties.

"There is a martial cock," said he, laughing, "and would do credit to the King's Own Musketeers.

Five thousand Sioux were here in all their martial splendor.

Cooke was advertised for William; Elliston having "most generously lent [N.B. this was not put in the bill] his musical score of Black-Eyed Susan, together with the identical captains' coats, worn at a hundred-and-fifty court-martials at the Surrey Theatre!"

abhorr'd Of faithless Saracens, some martial lord Took HIS meek title, in whose zeal he burn'd.

And on his nothing-martial front to set Of warlike Gaunt the lofty burgonet?

"Court Martials are held in all parts, for the trial of the blacks.

"The martial spirit of those nations among which the feudal government prevailed."Id.

But Campbell turned his rhetorical manner and his clanking, martial verse to fine advantage in such pieces as Hohenlinden, Ye Mariners of England, and the Battle of the Baltic.

On an island in the Seine lived a criminal family, the Martials, who throve by thieving and murder.

That Sulpicia could publish amatory poems in honour of her husband and receive eulogies from writers like Martial shows that she and ladies like her occupied somewhat the same position as Olympia Morata and Tarquinia Molza later in Italy during the Renaissance, or like some of the celebrated Frenchwomen, such as Madame de Staël.

Martial, viii, 12.

Martial, ii, 90: sit mihi verna satur, sit non doctissima coniunx.

The following copy of an "Order from Head-Quarters" was found among the papers, directed apparently to his father; and as Washington's Orderly Books have never been published, with the exception of a few orders chiefly relating to court-martials, it has been thought that it would be interesting.

Court-martials were held on the conduct of both officers; but the Admiralty was determined to crush Matthews, as being a member of the House of Commons and belonging to the party of Opposition, and the consequence was that, though Lestock's misconduct was clearly proved, he was acquitted, and Matthews was sentenced to be cashiered, and declared incapable of any further employment in his Majesty's service.

His judicial services in court-martials have been highly estimated.

1502 examples of  martials  in sentences