65 examples of marya in sentences

Both husband and wife were excellent people, and I soon became attached to them, and to the daughter Marya, an affectionate and sensible girl.

Every day I was more and more in love with Marya, and the notion that we might be disturbed at Fort Bélogorsk by any repetition of the riots and revolts which had taken place in the province of Orenburg the previous year was not entertained.

Pugatchéf's arrival had prevented Marya's escape to Orenburg, and she was now lying too ill to be moved, in the house of Father Garassim, the parish priest.

"Except you, poor Marya has no longer any protector or comforter," said the priest's wife.

It was from Marya, and she told me that she was now in the house of Chvabrine, who threatened to kill her or hand her over to the robber camp if she did not marry him, and that she had but three days left before her fate would be sealed.

" A safe-conduct pass was given us, and I made up my mind to take Marya to my parents' house.

In a very short time they were sincerely attached to her, for no one could know Marya without loving her, and both my father and my mother looked forward to the union of their son Peter with the captain's daughter.

My trial and condemnation plunged all three into misery; and Marya, believing that I could have justified myself had I chosen, and suspecting the motive which had kept me silent, and holding herself the sole cause of my misfortune, determined to save me.

Next morning, very early, Marya dressed herself and went to the imperial gardens.

She appeared to be about fifty years old, and the repose and gravity of her face, and the sweetness of her blue eyes and her smile, all attracted Marya and inspired confidence.

But the lackey explained that the tzarina wanted Marya to come alone, and in the dress she should happen to be wearing.

The tzarina spoke graciously to her, telling Marya that it was a happiness to grant her prayer.

" Marya, all in tears, fell at the feet of the tzarina, who raised her and kissed her forehead.

McGraw-Hill, Inc. (PWH); 9Aug65; R366423. GREGORY, MARYA ZATURENSKA.

Cold morning sky, by Marya Zaturenska.

Marya Zaturenska Gregory (A); 14Jul65; R364933.

Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug68; R442587. MANNES, MARYA.

Marya Mannes (A); 4Dec68; R450151.

By Eloise Lownsbery, illustrated by Marya Werten.

McGraw-Hill, Inc. (PWH); 9Aug65; R366423. GREGORY, MARYA ZATURENSKA.

Cold morning sky, by Marya Zaturenska.

Marya Zaturenska Gregory (A); 14Jul65; R364933.

By Horace Gregory & Marya Zaturenska (Marya Zaturenska Gregory).

By Horace Gregory & Marya Zaturenska (Marya Zaturenska Gregory).

Horace Gregory & Marya Zaturenska Gregory (A); 7Mar74; R572196.

65 examples of  marya  in sentences