717 examples of mashes in sentences

Mash the potatoes with a fork until perfectly free from lumps; stir in the other ingredients, and add sufficient milk to moisten them well; press the potatoes into a mould, and bake in a moderate oven until nicely brown, which will be in from 20 minutes to 1/2 hour.

Boil and mash the potatoes by recipe No. 1145; add a seasoning of pepper and salt, and, when liked, a little minced parsley.

Let these stand till the water is cool; then press it out, and mash the bread with a fork until it is quite free from lumps.

Boil the carrots until tender enough to mash to a pulp; add the remaining ingredients, and moisten with sufficient milk to make the pudding of the consistency of thick batter.

It should be dry and airy, and furnished with a fireplace and boiler, both for the protection of the harness and to prepare mashes for the horses when required.

When a man insults me, sir, I lay him out, without depending in the smallest degree upon an undertaker, but as for standing up in front of a man who mashes noses by contract, and chaws off ears as a matter of genteel business, why it ain't my cut.

In spite of bran mashes, pepper, cotton batting, blue veil and tender care, they refused to even consider the question of laying.

At the Normal the girls had talked about "crushes" and "mashes" and people having a "bad case," and she knew that the one qualification they demanded in matters of the heart was that the young man should have the means and inclination to "show a girl a good time."

I was sent into the kitchen to mash the turnips for dinner.

I saw that the turnips were in a pulp, and that further beating could not improve them; but the order was, "Mash these turnips," and mash them I would!

I saw that the turnips were in a pulp, and that further beating could not improve them; but the order was, "Mash these turnips," and mash them I would!

This writer, by the way, supposed that the teeth were made to be used in beating our food; and that we ought neither to swallow it without chewing, as is customary in our busy New England, nor to mash or soak it in order to save the labor of masticationa practice almost equally universal.

CHICKEN TERRAPIN Mash Yolks of 3 hard-cooked eggs, add 5 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon mustard 1 1/4 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon white pepper and 3 tablespoons melted butter.

It appeared to be a sort of mash of bits of bamboo and all sorts of vegetable ingredients.

TREATMENT:Give light bran mashes, plenty of common salt, and keep the animal in a warm and dry stable.

If possible, give the animal nourishing gruels, or bran mashes; and, above all, keep the bit out of the mouth until it is perfectly healed.

If his dung gets dry, and his hair hard and crispy, give him bran mashes mixed with his grain, and a teaspoonful of salt at each feed.

Feed with bran mashes, plenty of common salt, and water.

During the first stages of the fever a light and easily digested diet should be allowedbran-mashes, roots and grass when obtainable, and a carefully regulated supply of water.

1. Hot bran or oat mashes.

There's some more on ahead of us, for here is the track of a nine-pounder, and the others were all twelves. Choose a twelve if you want to get hit; for a nine mashes you up, but a twelve snaps you like a carrot."

It was a time of cloudless skies, and abundant "strawberry mashes," and dolce far niente in that sweetly-shaded pool, when the sky was at its bluest, and the air at its hottest, and the water at its most inviting temperature.

The only objection to this method is the need of frequent stirring to prevent sticking, which breaks and mashes the hominy.

BERRY TOAST NO. 2.Take fresh red or black raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries, and mash well with a spoon.

But two weeks of this self-imposed exilewith no female society but Miss Philomela Wilkeson, and Mash, the cookproved rather too much for Matthew's fortitude.

717 examples of  mashes  in sentences