39 examples of master-stroke in sentences

The way in which Drelincourt's Book on Death is introduced and subsequently twice referred to is a master-stroke of genius.

The dowager impatiently waited an opportunity to effect, what she intended for a master-stroke of policy in the disposal of Grace.

The curious thing was he cross-examined the reverend chairman instead of the witness, which I thought a master-stroke of policy, if not advocacy.

"'It's a master-stroke o' policy,' says Dravot.

It is no wonder therefore, that this master-stroke of art should have met with violent contradiction, and that the interests of the hierarchy, and the inclinations of the priests, being now placed in this singular opposition, should, notwithstanding the continued efforts of Rome, have retarded the execution of that bold scheme, during the course of near three centuries.

His master-stroke was to transfer his operations from Flanders to the Danube.

The master-stroke in the policy of Cavour as a statesman was to make a firm alliance with France and England, to be used as a lever against Austria.

Probably its master-stroke is the creation of the national judiciary.

" The Fulfilled Pilgrimage, however, was but the preliminary to his master-stroke of policy strengthened by force of arms: months of hard fighting and diplomacy were needed before he could direct the blow that made his triumph possible.

It was a master-stroke thus to appeal to the patriotism, no less than to the egotism, of their Excellencies, and, at the same time, to confirm his own supremacy!

This triumph of diplomacy, together with the success of his master-stroke of provocation, the Ems telegram, decided the fate of France.

Their rude hands in numberless instances have skinned the pictures, obliterating those peerless tints, lights, and shadows, and those delicate but emphatic touches that bespeak the master-stroke, leaving instead cold, blank, hard surfaces and outlines, opaque shadows and crude coloring, out of tone, and in consequence with deteriorated sentiment as well as execution.

Miss Craydocke, by one master-stroke of generous presence of mind, had achieved an instantaneous change in the position, and given an absolutely new complexion to the performance.

I hate cynicism, and I should be the last to throw cold water on an ideal, but, as I said, the real fruits of that political master-stroke are in danger.

They are obvious arguments, thoroughly sound to men who play for safety, but all records of great captains of war prove that at a decisive moment they abandon the safe and obvious game for a master-stroke of audacity, counting the risks and taking them, and striking terror into the hearts of their enemy by the very shock of their contempt for caution.

By this master-stroke the Rumanians had quietly accomplished the reform which was an indispensable condition towards assuring a better future.

But the great Frenchman's master-stroke was his treaty with Gustavus Adolphus.

This book may indeed be said to be Hegel's master-stroke.

If J.B. should be stone-broke by MCKINLEY's master-stroke, Tant mieux, my boys, for Yankee-doodle dandy, O! Yankee-doodle, Yankee-doodle dandy, O!

From every other standpoint the selection was a master-stroke.

" In the first flush of mutual admiration young people are apt to find a laugh quite as significant as a sigh for an expression of sympathetic communion, and this master-stroke of wit convulsed them both.

The front is finely impressive; a curious, inverted arch in the choir which descends from the ceiling to meet an arch rising from the floor at a point midway between the roof and pavement is a unique thing in architecture, a master-stroke of the mediaeval builder who solved a problem of construction and at the same time produced a thing of beauty.

It was in the small, clear calligraphy of Basil Bainrothe, before described; characterized, I believe, as a back-handand thus it ran: "You are rightit was a master-stroke!

Now, just when I was beginning in some modest measure to felicitate myself, there comes news of a crushing master-stroke devised by the Government.

But Voltaire's comment upon the master-stroke by which such an effect has been obtained illustrates, in a remarkable way, his own sense of the dramatic.

39 examples of  master-stroke  in sentences