19 examples of matchboxes in sentences

Sam was feeling in his pocket for a matchbox, and presently he brought the article forth and made a light.

" Then I heard him fumbling for his matchbox, and then, when he discovered that it was empty, he made some more remarks not flattering to himself or me.

" He took a sip from the tumbler, opened a matchbox and took out a match, but apparently altering his mind, laid it down and commenced: "The unfortunate affair which has brought you here to-night, had its origin ten years ago.


The boy searched for a matchbox and lighted these candles, not because he needed more light than he already had; but because he thought that this was one way to honour the dead.

Rajah scratched my hand and felt for the matchbox in my pocket, and as Captain Riggs reached the foot of the companion I struck a match and held it before my face, between Rajah and myself.

Stooping down behind the others, he pulled out a matchbox from his pocket, struck a light, and applied it to the muslin curtains which hung before the window.

"By the way, Doctor, have you seen anything of a little plaid-pattern matchbox?" The Doctor put his hand to his pocket, and, to his own huge surprise and my great gratification, pulled out two matchboxes exactly alike, both printed with the Macpherson plaid.

"By the way, Doctor, have you seen anything of a little plaid-pattern matchbox?" The Doctor put his hand to his pocket, and, to his own huge surprise and my great gratification, pulled out two matchboxes exactly alike, both printed with the Macpherson plaid.

They were as big as matchboxes.

My hands trembled so much that twice I missed the rough paper of the matchbox.

As he fumbled hurriedly for the matchbox, his fingers caught in the folds of pillowcase and sheet, and he struggled violently to get them clear again.

After what seemed five minutes he found the matchbox and struck a light, and all the time the torrent of sound poured about his ears with such an effect of bewilderment that he hardly realized what he was doing.

He climbed again into bed, blew the candle out, put the matchbox under his pillow within easy reach, and so once more curled himself up into a ball and composed himself to sleep.

With dashes of terror shooting through him like spears of ice, he grabbed the matchbox, and after a frenzied entanglement again with sheets and pillow-case, succeeded in breaking four matches in quick succession.

She is the person who bought the matchbox!"

He threw it into the water, and opened his matchbox to take another.

To be brief, they were pelted by odds and ends of wood, about the size of a common matchbox.

She smiled in answer, and picked up the matchbox.

19 examples of  matchboxes  in sentences