5240 examples of matched in sentences

But they were over-matched in this, that the enemy when wearied by the long continuance of the battle, went out of the action, and others with fresh strength came in their place; none of which things could be done by our men, owing to the smallness of their number; and not only was permission not given to the wearied

The contest of generalship had now fully begun, and the brain of General Lee was matched against the brain of General Pope.

It is desirable at first to give leaves that are easily matched with the terms, keeping those which need compound words, such as lance-ovate, etc., to come later.

His fair words were matched by the mild expression he contrived to put into his face, and, although the Duchess distrusted them, or at least her sense of hearing, she met his advances handsomely.

"Whenever I see this smithy," observed the raven, "I'm reminded that, in former times, there were such skilled blacksmiths here in Härjedalen, more especially in this villagethat they couldn't be matched in the whole country.

Her hat was trimmed with a narrow-striped silk of the same colorsmaroon and whiteand in her hand she held a parasol that matched her dress.

"Never have I found a knight that so well matched me.

Hence, with the exception of Burke, no one ever matched him in talk; and Burke, we imagine, although profounder in thought, more varied in learning, and more brilliant in imagination, seldom fairly pitted himself against Johnson.

he had had them, to have written the 'Ode to Independence'although, in his 'Vision of Liberty,' he has matched Smollett on his own ground."

Terry glanced around, still playing, and encountered the gaze of two melting masculine eyes that matched the melting masculine voice.

He quotes some well-known examples of this from Roman annals; examples which might be matched by obvious instances in modern English history.

They were placed side by side in Mr. Raleigh's hand; they matched entirely, and, so united, they formed a singular French coin of value and antiquity, the missing figures on one segment supplied by the other, the embossed profile continued and lost on each, the scroll begun by this and ended by that; they were plainly severed portions of the same piece.

She was the ugliest wench I ever saw, and, if possible, he was uglier, so they were well matched."

It is notable in this connection that the Northern dislike of negro newcomers from the South on the ground of their prevalent ignorance, thriftlessness and instability[90] was more than matched by the Southern dread of free negroes from the North.

In strength, apparently, they were well-matched.

It is said that some medical men have put up a purse and that the two germs are being matched to fight a ten round contest under National Sporting Club rules.

It is impossible to detail the progress of the contest for public favour between these two ill-matched rivals, without noticing at the same time Dryden's quarrel with Rochester, who appears to have played off Settle in opposition to him, as absolutely, and nearly as successfully, as Settle ever played off the literary [literal?]

My father shook his head, for he had a liking for Jim; but we all walked up to the house again, nodding and blinking, and hardly able to keep our eyes open now that we knew that all was safe, but with a thrill of joy at our hearts such as I have only matched once or twice in my lifetime.

At her coming I had ordered champagnewe always drank champagne together, because, as we said, it matched so well with her hairchampagne of a no longer fashionable brand.

During the whole course of the war, two such generals, so equally matched in renown and ability, had not before been pitted against each other.

The nearness of the enemy left no room for fire-arms, the fury of the attack no time for loading; man was matched to man, the useless musket exchanged for the sword and pike, and science gave way to desperation.

On the whole, we're about evenly matched.

" Emily took her departure, vowing undying gratitude to Hinpoha, and Hinpoha took her paints from her desk and went into her own club room, which was on the third floor, and with infinite pains matched the shade of the tree trunk and repaired the damage.

Then came a mental struggle which matched Sahwah's terrific physical one that day in camp.

"I was lookin' for him to bust out in grand-opry, or something else that's a heap more stylish than his old come-all-ye." Charming Billy turned and rested a hand briefly upon the cantle while he told the cook laughingly to go to the hot place, and then settled himself to the pace that matched the leaping blood of him.

5240 examples of  matched  in sentences