27 examples of materialization in sentences

Yet, to what extent materialization of an ab-natural creature is possible, given favorable conditions, no one can say; and I had no idea what horrible thing I was going to see, or feel the presence of.

For I had the strongest conviction that the ring was a necessity to materialization.

Then I gave him a little lecture on the False Re-Materialization of the Animate-Force through the Inanimate-Inert.

The materialization of the world is a consequence of the fall.

I believed in an all inclusive nature; that the Will or Rule of God which made a star hundreds of millions of times larger than the planet I had my body on, that took care of billions of suns, worlds, planets, comets, and the beings upon them, was not concerned in tricks of spiritism or materializations at the whim of mediums or tahuas.

"But I do believe, absolutely, in what is now called materialization.

Sir Lyon would have given much to have been present at what, if Helen's account were correct, had been an extraordinary example of what is called materialization.

Perhaps it was the derisive, incredulous look on the young medical man's face which stung him into adding: "If I understand rightly"he turned to Varick"something very like what I should call an impromptu materialization took place in the hall yesterdayis that not so?" There was a pause.

"But to my mind Miss Brabazon evidently saw the rare phenomenon known as a materialization.

Some laws of materialization.

Some laws of materialization.

Finally they began to cheer the refreshments as these suddenly developed a full-form materialization.

The sections by the Acting-Chairman, Dr. Horace Howard Furness, on Mediumistic Development, Sealed Letters, and Materialization were the occasion of acrimonious and violent attack on the whole work of the Commission by those periodicals devoted to spiritualism and its propaganda.

We were more successful in procuring a séance with Mr. Keeler's brother, whose Mediumship manifests itself by the materialization of a right hand behind a low screen, in front of which the Medium sits, with his face alone visible, his entire person being concealed by black muslin.


Unquestionably Spiritualists will be at no loss to explain this puzzle; possibly they would say that I have here unconsciously given one of the very best of proofs of the reality and genuineness of Materialization, and that my unbelief acts on the sensitive, evanescent features of the Spirit like a chemical reagent, and thatbut it is not worth while to weaken by anticipation their solacing arguments.

Not infrequently a Materialized Spirit is seen to subside into the floor between the folds of the curtains at the opening of the Cabinet, This is termed 'de-materialization,' and not a little mystery is ascribed to it.

On one occasion, a Spirit tried this pretty mode of materialization, not directly in front of the Cabinet, but at the side quite close to where I sat.

If it be the Spirit of my great-grandmother, it can be surely no satisfaction to her, after all the bother of materialization, to hold converse with me as the Spirit of Sally in our Alley; and if she be, in every sense of the word, a 'spirity' old lady, she will instantly undeceive me, and 'let me know who I am talking to.'

But in many cases there can be no doubt that the phenomenon is a clear case of astral visitation and materialization.

Again invading the realm of the "spirits," I would say that occultists know that many cases of so-called materialization of "spirit-forms" take place by reason of the unconscious projection of the astral body of the medium.

While I am on the subject of materialization however, I would direct the attention of the student to my little book entitled "The Astral World," in which I have explained briefly the phenomena of those planes of the astral in which dwell the cast-off shells of souls which have moved on to the higher planes of the great astral world.

The things accomplished by successful men are really but materializations of that which they have previously held in their mental vision.

" I would be telling you but half the story did I not warn you that strong Fear may play the part ordinarily filled by Desire in the production of the psychic phenomena of materialization of mental pictures.

The mental picture thus evoked produces a corresponding effect in the astral body of the patient, and sets into operation the materialization of desired results.

27 examples of  materialization  in sentences