13 examples of matrimonium in sentences

Some trouble there is in marriage I deny not, Etsi grave sit matrimonium, saith Erasmus, edulcatur tamen multis, &c., yet there be many things to sweeten it, a pleasant wife, placens uxor, pretty children, dulces nati, deliciae filiorum hominum, the chief delight of the sons of men;

Matrimonium humano generi immortalitatem tribuit, saith Nevisanus, matrimony makes us immortal, and according to [5950]Tacitus, 'tis firmissimum imperii munimentum, the sole and chief prop of an empire.

" "Alia quaestus gratia matrimonium corrumpit, Alia peccans multas vult morbi habere socias.

Lusitani, inquit, quorundum civitates adierunt: qui natis statim faeminis naturam consuunt, quoad urinae exitus ne impediatur, easque quum adoleverint sic consutas in matrimonium collocant, ut sponsi prima cura sit conglutinatas puellae oras ferro interscindere.

Of them both, thus Ambrose concludes in his comment upon Luke, "they that are coupled together, not to get children, but to satisfy their lust, are not husbands, but fornicators," with whom St. Austin consents: matrimony without hope of children, non matrimonium, sed concubium dici debet, is not a wedding but a jumbling or coupling together.

in matrimonium accepit. 5892.

Ad baptismum, matrimonium et tumultum.

At Rome, in all periods of her history, a iustum matrimonium, i.e. a marriage sanctioned by law and religion, and therefore entirely legal in all its results, was a matter of great moment, not to be achieved without many forms and ceremonies.

To be a Roman citizen you must be the product of a iustum matrimonium.

[101] Aulus Gellius, x, 15: Matrimonium flaminis nisi morte dirimi ius non est.

Ad uxorem, i, 7 and 9: non aliud dicendum erit secundum matrimonium quam species stupri.

Novellae, ii, 3. Novellae ii, 3. Codex, vi, 40, 2 and 3. Novellae, 22, 44: unde sancimus, si quis prohibuerit ad aliud venire matrimonium, etc. Codex, v, 3, 16.

Mag., 17: Deinde cum matris hortatu filiam Desiderii regis Langobardorum duxisset uxorem, incertum qua de causa, post annum eam repudiavit et Hildigardam de gente Suaborum praecipuae nobilitatis feminam in matrimonium duxit ...

13 examples of  matrimonium  in sentences