44790 examples of matter in sentences

The justice of this naming has always been and still remains a matter of warm dispute among historical critics.

The diffidence with which he commences the matter is, however, a strong indication that he had previously written an account of his first voyage to the same Lorenzo de' Medici, to whom he addressed this communication.

It is true that the navigation has been very profitable, which is a matter of great consideration in this kingdom, where inordinate covetousness reigns.

He knew that the painting of a ceiling was not an easy matter.

The whole matter will receive detailed treatment in our next section, as well as in the Notes.

Shelley may be considered to allow himself more than an average degree of latitude in rhyming: but it is a fact that, if the general body of English poetry is scrutinized, it will be found to be more or less lax in this matter.

As a matter of fact, Hyperion was written by Keats when in his twenty-fourth year.

As to this matter see the prefatory Memoirs of Shelley and of Keats, and especially, at p. 39 &c., a transcript of the criticism.

This seems as much as to say that the splendour of a new poetic genius appears to contemporaries to throw preceding poets into obscurity; but this is only a matter of the moment, for, when the new genius sinks in death, the others shine forth again as stars of the intellectual zenith, to which the new genius is kindred indeed, but not superior.

Shepherds are such familiar figures in poetryutilized for instance in Milton's Lycidas, as well as by many poets of antiquitythat the introduction of them into Shelley's Elegy is no matter for surprise.

See some brief reference to this matter at p. 9.

Mr. Buxton Forman, who, as Editor of Keats, had occasion to investigate the matter attentively, pronounces decidedly in favour of Hunt.

It may be said that 'the world's slow stain'the lowering influence of the aims and associations of all ordinary human lifeis the main subject-matter of Shelley's latest important poem, The Triumph of Life.

I was one day sitting on a step placed across the church-yard stile, when a gentleman passing by, heard me distinctly repeat the letters which formed my mother's name, and then say, Elizabeth Villiers, with a firm tone, as if I had performed some great matter.

We all know Bale's livery stable, the same being Billy's father; but no matter.

As a matter of fact, Etta Sydney Bamborough came from excellent ancestry, and could claim an uncle here, a cousin there, and a number of distant relatives everywhere, should it be worth the while.

Education is a dangerous matter to deal with; England is beginning to find this out for herself.

"The prince," said Steinmetz to those who were interested in the matter, "is mad.

She was, as a matter of fact, resting before the work of the evening.

For it was a matter of common knowledge in the diplomatic circles in which she moved that Mr. Paul Howard Alexis of Piccadilly House, London, and Prince Pavlo Alexis of the province of Tver, were one and the same man.

In this matter, however, I am inclined to deny it to the individual.

" "I doubt," said Etta, "whether the world at large is so deeply interested in the matter as you appear to imagine.

But enough of that matter.

Why, by any one of ordinary acuteness the matter was easily understood, but, to tell the truth, Kristian Koppig was a trifle dull, and got the idea at once that some damage was being planned against 'Tite Poulette.

Oh what's the matter?

44790 examples of  matter  in sentences