29 examples of maxillary in sentences

The bones of the face are: Two Superior Maxillary, Two Malar, Two Nasal, Two Lachrymal, Two Palate, Two Turbinated, One Vomer, One Lower Maxillary. 34.

The bones of the face are: Two Superior Maxillary, Two Malar, Two Nasal, Two Lachrymal, Two Palate, Two Turbinated, One Vomer, One Lower Maxillary. 34.

The superior maxillary or upper jawbones form a part of the roof of the mouth and the entire floor of the orbits.

] The longest bone in the face is the inferior maxillary, or lower jaw.

| | / 2 Superior Maxillary, The Head | / 2 Malar, (28 bones).

Turbinated, | \ 1 Vomer, \ \ 1 Lower Maxillary.

The teeth are attached to the upper and lower maxillary bones by roots which sink into the sockets of the jaws.

The fatal effect of dropping the superior maxillary when one intended to drop the inferior, or of applying nervous stimuli to the up track, instead of the down, can easily be conceived.

The one suffered on its arrival in camp from ophthalmia, now completely cured, no trace of photophobia remains, no redness nor oedema; the other had its sub-maxillary glands enlarged; these glands are now reduced and nothing to worry about.

But in the first case, as shown by the swelling in the hind legs, if the swelling disappear, and general debility of the system continues; if the eyes grow more drowsy, and discharge from the lower corners; and if this is followed by discharge from the nostrils, slight swelling and hardening of the sub-maxillary glands, which are between the under jaws, then it is clearly developed glanders.

I have observed that when it has been taken in a sore mouth it has followed down the cheek to the sub-maxillary gland, and ended in a clear case of glanders or farcy.

It is that which is taken in at the nostrils and attacks the sub-maxillary glands, which become enlarged and will remain so.

Every kernel of grain which he picks from the barn-floor may represent an instant of masticatory joy held in store for some as yet unconscious maxillary; we may weigh the bird by the amount of happiness he will afford.

It was therefore a youthful head, the head of an adolescent cut down at the moment, when life completely unfolds itself to hope; while the elliptical shape of the lower maxillary, the small and similarly-shaped teeth, the slight separation of the nasal bones, a few long hairs still adhering to the occiput, clearly indicated its feminine origin.

* * HEADStrongly made and large, not out of proportion to the dog's size; the muscles showing extraordinary development, more especially the maxillary.

The first mound contained three adult human skeletons, a few fragments of the skeleton of a child, the lower maxillary of which indicated it to be about six years old.

The heads of the bones, a considerable portion of the skull, maxillary bones, teeth, neck bones, and the vertebra, were in their proper places, though the weight of the earth above them had driven them down, yet the entire frame was so perfect that it was an easy matter to trace all the bones; the bones of the cranium were slightly inclined toward the east.

Will some learned Mason unravel this mystery and inform the Masonic world how the Indians obtained so much Masonic information? The tomahawks, maxillary bones, some of the teeth, beads, and other bones, have been forwarded to the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, D.C., to be placed among the archives of that institution for exhibition, at which place they may be seen.

At the Amaknak cave we found what at first appeared to be a wooden inclosure, but which proved to be made of the very much decayed supra-maxillary bones of some large cetacean.

He was such a Good Man himself that he wanted all the other Men to wear long sable Belshazzars on the Sub-Maxillary and come to him for Moral Guidance.

The fore edge of the preorbitar is slightly curved in form of the italic f, the lower corner curving forward abruptly, so as to produce a notch, which is filled up by the extremity of the retracted maxillary.

The maxillary widens towards its lower end, which curves a little forwards.

The snout, lips, jaws, the place at the corner of the mouth over which the maxillary glides and the gill membrane are scaleless.

In upper jaw on each side of maxillary bone: 18 2 incisors.

In lower jaw on each side of maxillary bone: 15 2 incisors.

29 examples of  maxillary  in sentences