77304 examples of mean in sentences

'You know I told you I should return; and now I mean never to leave you again.' 'Never is a long word, my lord,' said Mistress Pauncefort, looking very archly. 'Ah!

but I mean to settle, regularly to settle here,' said Lord Cadurcis.

But anyhow, I don't mean to let her get him away from me.

Surely she cannot mean" "Jane," I said, "is developing character.

Did the man mean to take the thing coolly?

But all the same, what on earth did Horrocks mean about "white as death" and "red as sin"?

I mean nothing unpleasant...though what I do mean I scarcely know.

I mean nothing unpleasant...though what I do mean I scarcely know.

I told him straight that I didn't mean to be chased about a desert island by any damned anachronisms.

When I say that I was the immediate witness of his seizure, I mean that I was the first on the scene.

In the first place, it was a mean dodge to escape the absolute pulverisation Hapley had in hand for him, and in the second, it left Hapley's mind with a queer gap in it.

Masterson, I mean?' 'Why, he had courted me!'

Masterson, I mean?

I am no preacher," says the Baron, "and perhaps OSCAR didn't mean anything at all, except to give us a sensation, to show how like BULWER LYTTON'S old-world style he could make his descriptions and his dialogue, and what an easy thing it is to frighten the respectable Mrs. Grundy with a Bogie."

We got quite a chatting arterwards in the Libery, of course I don't mean to say as I forgot for a moment the strornary difference atween us, but he had werry ewidently been werry much struck by the lovely Bridesmade, for he says, "Mr. ROBERT," says he, "what's about the rite time for a man to marry?

No, no, I didn't think thatI hoped you mightn'tI mean, I was afraid you might

The sky is low, the clouds are mean, A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go.

And who could reproduce the sun, At period of going down The lingering and the stain, I mean When Orient has been outgrown, And Occident becomes unknown, His name remain.

Does your excellence mean Peppino?' "'The driver from Pontedera?' "'Ah, well, that was Peppino.' "'Then where is Peppino?' "'He is on his road home.

I said"with the newspapers, I mean.

Still less do I mean the sort of thing which is contained in such an expression as 'Dear old boy!' which is always a half-contemptuous phrase.

" "But does it not mean that you have made a mistake somehow," said Vincent, "if you have made a friend, and then cease to care about him?" "Not a bit," said Father Payne.

What do you mean by friendship, Father?" "Well," said Father Payne, "I will tell you if I can.

What breaks friendship, in my experience, is the loss of that sense of equality; and the moment that friends become criticalin the sense, I mean, that they want to alter or improve each otherI think a friendship is in danger.

"Oh yes, but you know what I mean," said Miss Phyllis; "he's a great man, and he ought to have the reins in his hand.

77304 examples of  mean  in sentences