60 examples of medical aid in sentences

Although its practice was chiefly resorted to in cases where medical aid was desired, it was still made use of in every other case, in which the ancient oracles were consulted.

Sympathy with the sick poor around her for whom no medical aid was available, early led Mary Whately to dispense simple remedies and especially to distribute medicine to relieve the terribly prevalent ophthalmia.

The first signs of its coming on are not always visible to an unpractised eye: it may have made dangerous advances before the mother's mind is awakened to its presence; and medical aid may be solicited when remedies and advice are no longer of any avail.

These signs will sometimes manifest themselves many hours, nay days, before the attack occurs; may be looked upon as premonitory; and if timely noticed, and suitable medical aid resorted to, the occurrence of a fit may be altogether prevented.

When thus produced, it is important early to seek medical aid, as inflammation is generally the result.

Unfortunately a vast mass of erroneous notions exists in the class to whom it is addressed; to which, and to the concealment prompted by delicacy, until the time for medical aid is gone by, we are indebted for very much of the danger and suffering incident to the periods they are destined to pass through.

Medical aid was obtained; but the injured knee was obstinate, wouldn't be mended, and when physic and hope alike had been abandoned, so far as the leg of Alice was concerned, the Rev. Father Norris, who, in conjunction with the Rev. Father Weston, was at that time stationed at St. Wilfrid's, was struck with a somewhat bright thought as to the potency of St. Walburge's oil.

Preparing a litter from poles and boughs, they conveyed him to the camp, washed and dressed his wounds, as well as circumstances would allow, and, as soon as possible, removed him to the settlement, where medical aid was secured.

As soon as the negro was taken, the best medical aid was procured, but he died on the same evening.

Medical aid is supplied free of expense.

At length medical aid arrived, and the Countess of Waldstetten took upon her to demand the key.

Scarcely a week passed that some one did not come to him for help for a loved one suffering from disease, but without means to secure proper medical aid.

So they decided to rent two rooms where the sick could be cared for, and later built a hospital for the poor, where without money and without price, the best medical aid, the tenderest nursing were at the command of those in need.

Medical aid availed nothing.

Everything that medical aid could do was done, and every attention was paid to the suffering child by her parents and friends, and every effort used to stay the disease.

The best medical aid being at hand, he was speedily relieved from the fit, and under the skilful management of Sir Samuel Garth, gradually regained his strength; but from the usual effects of such a stroke he never wholly recovered, neither his articulation nor his memory being restored to their original tone.

Medical aid seemed utterly unavailing; but the Lord had chosen her in the furnace of affliction, and by these means, inscrutable at the time, was refining and fitting her for remarkable usefulness.

when asked if they hurt him, he replied, 'No;' and pulling his hymn-book out of his bosom, added, 'I want to sing' 'Happy if with my latest breath, I may but gasp His name; Preach Him to all, and cry in death, Behold, behold the Lamb.'" "He was conveyed to a neighbouring inn, and medical aid immediately obtained.

He had a daughter, his only child, and she died for want of proper medical aid.

How about the ship?" There was no reply, but from another cabin the voice of Mr. Rogers was heard calling wildly for medical aid, and offering impossible sums in exchange for it.

Medical aid was at hand, the gash sewed up, but he did not revive.

" Immediately on arrival at the castle, the escaped prisoner was conveyed to bed, and medical aid instantly summoned.

The woman was delirious with pain; and before effective medical aid could be obtainedshe was seized in the middle of the nightshe expired.

Medical aid was called, but without avail.

I shall decline all other medical aid," I replied.

60 examples of  medical aid  in sentences