199 examples of meetin in sentences

Of course, we were naterally astonished at seein' one another just then, and the meetin' didn't seem to be altogether agreeable to either party.

I should have been willin' myself, to've backed down, and apologized for my rudeness in crossin' his path, for I was carryin' my rifle carelessly in my left hand, and our meetin' was so sudden that I scarcely had time to bring it to bear upon the kritter.

JOE went to camp meetin' last week, and, I am pained to say it, JOSEF got drunker than a biled owl.

The Deekins called a church meetin', and played a game of old sledge, to see who would call and demand satisfaction for the insult.

" All the old mades met together in the village milliner shop, where the Sore-eye-siss society held meetin's once a week, and their false teeth trembled like a rattlesnake's tail, when they read my artickle about old mades.

" "But surely there is no danger of meetin' any of the savages now," I said, like a simple, and he replied, with a laugh: "True for you, lad; but General Herkimer was to begin an advance on the mornin' after we left camp, and he should be nearabout.

'Cordin' ter de chu'ch books dar's forty-seben women b'longin' to our meetin', an' ef each one ob dem dar has got seben debbils in her, I jus' wants you ter tell me how many debbils come to chu'ch ebery clear Sunday ter hear dat ole Uncle Pete preach.

There was JOB BIGLER, who useter leed the Skeensboro brick meetin house quire, tryin to pick his teeth with the corner of a pictur-frame, while standin before the lookin glass was WILLYAM DUNBAR vainly endevorin to ascertain if he was the Siameese Twins, or else was the lookin-glass a double-plated one.

"I blush for every drunken soul of you," said I, wishing to get rid if em; "and I want you to understand this meetin is adjourned to sober off.

The revival meetin' is an orgie of the soul, a spiritual debaucha dropping from sane and sensible control into eroticism.

They sit under no other preaching; and, though Lyddy and I do all we can to gainsay the sermons, as soon as meetin' is out, some of it will stick.

the meetin' 'us, some time; you should open the doors and toll the bell.

" "Where did you go on Sunday morning?" "Uncle Billy an' me went down to the chapel to meetin'.

"He's seventy-six years old, Mamma, and whatever he's done" "For a young woman that talked pretty loud of leavin' her husband when he came home kind of lit up from a club meetin'" Mrs. Egg broke in.

En bimeby, w'en he'd ax' Solomon some mo' queshtuns, he sez, sezee: "'Now, Solomon, I doan want you ter say a wo'd ter nobody 'bout meetin' me heah, but I wants you ter slip up ter de house, en fetch me some clo's en some shoes,I fergot ter tell you dat a man rob' me back yander on de road en swap' clo's wid me widout axin' me whuther er no,but you neenter say nuffin 'bout dat, nuther.

"'Long 'bout de middle er de summer dey wuz a big camp-meetin' broke out down on de Wim'l'ton Road, en nigh 'bout all de po' w'ite folks en free niggers in de settlement got 'ligion, en lo en behol'! 'mongs' 'em wuz de cunjuh man w'at own' de shote w'at cha'med Primus.

I tried ter l'arn him de arrer er his ways en make him go ter chu'ch en pra'r-meetin'; but it wa'n't no use.

Now, as they say in prayer meetin', 'Mister Bill Brown'll lead us in a speech.'

Who'd ever think of meetin' you here.

[HW: Religion] "De mos' fun we had was at our meetin's.

De meetin's last frum early in de mawnin' 'til late at night.

"When us had our big meetin's, dere would allus be some darkies frum de plantations aroun' to come.

They would hold a prayer-meetin', they said, which, no doubt, would bring the end aimed at, and for me to go forth strong in the faith and gather 'em up from the wayside.

'Fancy meetin' you!'

The old man's taken train an' off to Bristol, to attend a revival meetin', or something o' the sortbein' turned pious since 'is wife died, w'ich is about eighteen months ago.

199 examples of  meetin  in sentences