17 examples of meeting-point in sentences

We seemed to be at the meeting-point of four valleys, and the snow peaks in the direction of Argelès were free from clouds.

Thus, without any power in himself, he is a meeting-point of two different and generally antagonistic forcesthe will of the imperial government and the will of the local legislature.

Jack took each step as if he were apprehensive of disturbing the quiet Midway of the avenue of palms ran a cross avenue, and at the meeting-point was a circle, which evidently waited till the oranges and the olives should pay for a statue and surrounding benches.

A third meeting-point between Justin and the Clementines is afforded by a text which we shall have to touch upon when we come to speak of the fourth Gospel.

Cuvier, as one sees him in a retrospective glance at the wonderful period in which he lived, and which brought to the surface all its greatest elements,one among a throng of exceptional men, generals, soldiers, statesmen, as well as men of commanding intellect in literary and scientific pursuits,seems always standing at the meeting-point between the past and present.

They find the meeting-point of art and of religion in their own humanity, and perceive that the antagonism of the two begins when art is set to do work alien to its nature, and to minister to what it does not naturally serve.

" "But what's the meeting-point?

Bagehot, who stood at the meeting-point of the old Economics and the new, wrote about 1876: 'Political Economy ... is an abstract science, just as statics and dynamics are deductive sciences.

For truth I hold not to be that which every man troweth, but to be that which lies at the bottom of all men's trowings, that in which those trowings have their only meeting-point.

The importance of love in life is to Browning supreme, because he holds it to be the meeting-point between God and man.

Before turning off, we could see with the naked eye signs of life at the meeting-point.

Their meeting-point was only a few yards above him.

MEETING-POINT OF TWO HIGHWAYS" (See p. 353, 'The Prelude', book xii.

And certainly the Pullwyke quarry crag rises most steeply from the meeting-point of the two highways.

Secondly, the crag can hardly be described as rising from the meeting-point of two highways; only one highway passes near it.

But High Crag can hardly be said to have risen at 'the meeting-point of two highways,' unless we are to understand the epithet 'far-stretched' as applying to the south-western slopes or skirts of the hill; and the two highways, the roads between Water Barngates on the west, and the bridle road between Pullwyke and Outgate at their Outgate junction, and this is rather too far a stretch.

It is quite true that if bridle paths can be described as highways, there may be said to be a meeting-point of these close at the north-eastern side of the crag.

17 examples of  meeting-point  in sentences