7 examples of megaliths in sentences

To his people the magnificent megaliths were doubtless a source of pride.

Megaliths occur mainly in South-East Asia, southern China, Korea and Japan.

Two large "Sarsens" or megaliths lie by the side of the building, and a magnificent yew stands in the churchyard.

Some are held in the vicinity of certain "blue" stones, mysterious megaliths of unknown age.

Of the original six hundred and fifty megaliths eighteen are standing and about the same number are buried.

The two megaliths seen from the Beckhampton road may be a remnant of it.

Were it not for the flaming southern sun, the scorched sands, the palms, the shimmering torrid air, we might believe these Algerian megaliths belonged to our own land, so perfect is the resemblance, so uniform the design, so identical the inspiration.

7 examples of  megaliths  in sentences