622 examples of melodie in sentences

Their national melodies, volklieder (songs of the people), have always a strain of sadness running through them.

Lord Jeffrey at the close of a once-famous review quaintly laments: "The tuneful quartos of Southey are already little better than lumber, and the rich melodies of Keats and Shelley, and the fantastical emphasis of Wordsworth, and the plebeian pathos of Crabbe, are melting fast from the field of our vision.

This flood of strange minstrels partly drowned the slang melodies and the monotonous strains of ordinary street musicians for a while.

It was her habit to take her breaking heart thus to the great masters, to interpret their thoughts in their music, welding their melodies to the needs of her own sorrow.

O, my luv is like the melodie That's sweetly played in tune.

595 At last, when all his mourning melodie He ended had, that both the shores resounded, Feeling the fit that him forewarnd to die, With loftie flight above the earth he bounded, And out of sight to highest heaven mounted, 600 Where now he is become an heavenly signe; There now the ioy is his, here sorrow mine.

Where be the sweete delights of learnings treasure, 175 That wont with comick sock to beautefie The painted theaters, and fill with pleasure The listners eyes, and eares with melodie, In which I late was wont to raine as queene, And maske in mirth with graces well beseene?

"And eke the Moone her hastie steedes did stay, Drawing in teemes along the starrie skie; And didst, O monthly Virgin, thou delay Thy nightly course, to heare his melodie?

Such store of birds therein yshrowded were, Chaunting in shade their sundrie melodie, That with their sweetnes I was ravish't nere.

As thus;"It is the pleasant month of May, when, as in old Chaucer's time, the "Smale foules maken melodie, That slepen alle night with open eye So priketh hem nature in their corages.

However, Scoutbush belongs rather to the former than the latter of Chaucer's categories; for a "smale foule" he is, a little bird-like fellow, who maketh melodie also, and warbles like a cock-robin; we cannot liken him to any more dignified songster.

" "Those ev'ning bells, those ev'ning bells, How many a tale their music tells!"Moore's Melodies, p. 263.

Every day,sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon or evening unseen musician, in the orange grove wrought for them melodie that, whether grave or gay, always carried, somehow, the feeling that had so moved them in the mysterious darkness of that first evening.

Entwurf einer neuen Melodie-und Harmonielehre.

Histoire d'une melodie.

R572511. Bottega di ritmi e melodie.

SEE Ackley, B. D. Melodies of morning.

Entwurf einer neuen Melodie-und Harmonielehre.

Histoire d'une melodie.

R572511. Bottega di ritmi e melodie.

Thy voice, soft as the hymn of morn, Or evening's melodie, May still excel, as a' can tell, Then wherefore hear't frae me? Bonnie lassie, fairest lassie, Think na't strange o' me, That when thy beauty's praised by a', Thou get'st nae praise frae me? For wha wad praise what none can praise?

For Westcott's drunken voice could be heard singing snatches of negro melodies in a most melancholy tone.

Now rise and go, and as ye pass away Sing to the God of Sheep, that happy lay, That honest Dorus taught ye, Dorus, he That was the soul and god of melodie.

My longing, my feelings, are melodies seeking a song to cling to!

Then shall these melodies ascend high enough to accompany thy songs!*

622 examples of  melodie  in sentences