78 examples of menacingly in sentences

Sixthly, Europe, cut up into thirty States, daily sees her buying capacity decreasing and the rate of exchange rising menacingly against her.

The others followed them menacingly for a short distance, but every time one of the two armed lads turned there was a sudden scattering.

" She glared at him menacingly.

The monster barred the passage and gestured menacingly, but uttered not a word.

Then, when Marcus Claudius proceeded to seize the maiden, while the matrons stood around, and was met by the piteous lamentations of the women, Verginius, menacingly stretching forth his hands toward Appius, said: "To Icilius, and not to you, Appius, have I betrothed my daughter, and for matrimony, not for prostitution, have I brought her up.

A watery sun peeped out from between the driving cloud masses, the rays glinting through the heads of the waves that curled menacingly as the battered yacht drove through them.

" "Are you going to give me a cabin?" demanded the other, menacingly.

He waved the cane menacingly after Meeker and slammed the door.

Yes," he continued, menacingly, "I will disclose such dreadful things against you, that you will assuredly be adjudged to a gibbet higher than the highest tower of this proud fane.

" "Where is the Earl of Rochester, I say, villain?" cried Leonard, menacingly.

The children turned their stubbed-toed shoes out into the aisle, their eyes menacingly on Camilla.

At last he shouted to her menacingly.

Watchmen patrolling the thoroughfares in the idle manner peculiar to all alleged guardians of the night, gazed menacingly at the machines as they whirled by, talking in their spark language, as Jimmie expressed it, but the uniforms kept them at a respectful distance.

He was, as Aunt Dolcey had predicted, very silent; the vein in his forehead still twitched menacingly and the pupils of his eyes were distended until the colour about them disappeared in blackness.

"I protest!" "Protest, then," replies this haughty and imperious personage, glancing at me menacingly.

There was no need to tell them who looked at that towering, intruding figure that tragedy lurked in the air, that death on the slightest provocation, at the twitch of a trigger finger, dwelt in those big twin Colts lying menacingly across the folded arms.

Perhaps it was my fancy that made me think that Laura looked menacingly at him, and also that his apathetic expression was even more mournful than usual.

When meeting German-looking people on the street, he would glare at them menacingly.

He rose and looked first at Betty, where she sat weakly, her face aghast at this new complication, and then at the individual who swayed from side to side on his chair, uncertainly yet menacingly.

Each coiled menacingly, a formidable brute ready to attack anything that approached.

Alvarado holds California to his heart; Castro, the Mars of the nineteenth century, hovers menacingly on the horizon.

It was this forehead that confronted Flip reproachfully as became a deceived comrade, menacingly as became an outraged parent in the presence of a third party anda Postmaster.

You shall speak!" He laid his hand almost menacingly on the old man's shoulder.

Curson folded his arms as she leaped to her feet; the little dagger she had drawn from her garter flashed menacingly in the air, but she stopped.

He advanced menacingly towards them.

78 examples of  menacingly  in sentences